The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've seen a little bit about that game, I'm not thinking about getting it but the animals being robots is really cool. And it really has great graphics.


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I'm not thinking about getting it



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Looks like I am a solo entertainer in this thread again. XD

Anyway, how can Horizon Zero Dawn looks so amazing on PS4?


Here's the Gameinformer interview this footage is from:

Most beautiful open-world RPG on console or PC! :D
Oh, I saw that two months ago, Grunt told me about it and gave me the playthrough to watch on YT. I can't see myself playing a game like that exactly, but it is visually beautiful


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Don't know, I'm guessing your getting it?

I don't know yet either...but I guess... There are not that many games that I am actually looking forward to after FFXV. Hard to believe there will be an after FFXV. A dark and empty void will overcome me. ;__; Even bigger than after The Witcher 3 because back then I still had FFXV that I was ultimately waiting for. I'm still holding out for Soul Calibur 6 I guess...but will it ever come?

Oh, I saw that two months ago, Grunt told me about it and gave me the playthrough to watch on YT. I can't see myself playing a game like that exactly, but it is visually beautiful

You don't like (western) RPGs? Have you ever played the Witcher 3 or thought about getting it?
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Premium Donor
I don't know yet either...but I guess... There are not that many games that I am actually looking forward to after FFXV. Hard to believe there will be an after FFXV. A a dark and empty void will overcome me. ;__; Even bigger then after The Witcher 3 because I still had FFXV that I was ultimately waiting for.

You don't like (western) RPGs? Have you ever played the Witcher 3 or thought about getting it?
The witcher series looks interesting and I'd try it if I could but I don't often play western type games, I mainly play Japanese RPGs like say Dragon Quest, Tales of Symphonia, Harvest Moon, etc. I think the only western games I've played through entirely would be Heavy Rain, Saints Row(if that counts) and pretty much that, I need to start playing more when I have some spare money on hand


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After XV for me game wise there is Pokemon Sun and Moon so I have that to look forward to. And yeah you should try out the Witcher 3 Kasumi though I'm not sure if you'd like it.

I envy you. :( I don't have a 3DS (and I don't plan to buy one) but the new Pokemon seems to be amazing. I loved the games when I was a child. The last one I played was Pokemon Silver. I really want to play Sun and Moon... I would choose Moon. I always chose the less popular ones with the colder/cooler color scheme: Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Silver... :)

The witcher series looks interesting and I'd try it if I could but I don't often play western type games, I mainly play Japanese RPGs like say Dragon Quest, Tales of Symphonia, Harvest Moon, etc. I think the only western games I've played through entirely would be Heavy Rain, Saints Row(if that counts) and pretty much that, I need to start playing more when I have some spare money on hand

Did you ever play a Western RPG? Whereas Japanese RPGs were better in the 90s and early 00s by now it is actually Western RPGs that are by far more progressive, bigger, more engrossing, prettier and frankly just overall better than Japanese RPGs. That's coming from somone who loves old school JRPGs. :/ It's also Japanese games like Xenoblade and Final Fantasy XV that try to emulate the Western approach. The developers of FFXV said that they consider The Witcher 3 as the ultimate RPG and it was a great influence to them. I'm really interested how much actually.
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Well-Known Member
I envy you. :( I don't have a 3DS (and I don't plan to buy one) but the new Pokemon seems to be amazing. I loved the games when I was a child. The last one I played was Pokemon Silver. I really want to play Sun and Moon... I would choose Moon. I always chose the less popular ones with the colder/cooler color scheme: Pokemon Blue, Pokemon Silver... :)

Did you ever play a Western RPG? Whereas Japanese RPGs were better in the 90s and early 00s by now it is actually Western RPGs that are by far more progressive, bigger, more engrossing, prettier and frankly just overall better than Japanese RPGs. That's coming from somone who loves old school JRPGs. :/ It's also Japanese games like Xenoblade and Final Fantasy XV that try to emulate the Western approach. The developers of FFXV said that they consider The Witcher 3 as the ultimate RPG and it was a great influence to them. I'm really interested how much actually.

Yeah I was going to go with Moon but I don't know now because Sun is starting to sound better.
And yeah I've played Pokemon from the start I loved Pokemon Silver! :)


Well-Known Member
Horizon is the top game on my list for sure. It looks so beautiful and I love the concept that technology has gone so far that it is the new wilderness.
What happened? I'm sooo curious. Imagine it on our new PS Pro's, and by that time maybe even OLED HDR 60" TV sets :-O





And she's soooo beautiful: I'm completely in love :):):)


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Standard Donor
Horizon is the top game on my list for sure. It looks so beautiful and I love the concept that technology has gone so far that it is the new wilderness.
What happened? I'm sooo curious. Imagine it on our new PS Pro's, and by that time maybe even OLED HDR 60" TV sets :-O





And she's soooo beautiful: I'm completely in love :):):)

Yay, someone who get's it! :D These screens look amazing. I can't wait to explore this city:


Cities are always the highlight in each RPG for me. I believe you actually see a part of it in the gif that I posted:


Imagine it on our new PS Pro's, and by that time maybe even OLED HDR 60" TV sets :-O

Woooah, not so fast. XD I'm still on the fence regarding the Pro... Also I don't think anyone else here is actually going to buy one.
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Well-Known Member
Yay, someone who get's it's it! :D These screens look amazing. I can't wait to explore this city:
:), Yeah, me too. Also just riding in the free and taking in the scenery is very peaceful.

Imagine if we can capture and tame some of the flying robots :-O

Woooah, not so fast. XD I'm still on the fence regarding the Pro... Also I don't think anyone else here is actually going to buy one.

No rush :p My car breaking down set me back a bit, but I'm ready to pull the trigger when/if needed. Looking forward to more disk space also.


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Looking forward to more disk space also.

Yeah, that is actually one of the main reasons I feel it would be a good idea to upgrade to the Pro. I still have just an 500GB HDD and I had to delete several games from it already. I didn't dare to actually open up my PS4 and replace it myself. It might be fairly easy, I have heard, but I do suck at stuff like this. So the 1TB HDD would be very welcome.


Well-Known Member
So, good news and bad news. Good news is Revelator's digital figure mode is out. Jack-O' is stylish.

Groovy ever since 1991.

Bad news is it's all unlocked through fishing. You start out with one pose and color for a character of your choice, and you have to fish for the rest.

Also, I brought up before how the characters all have various phrases and things written on their outfits that you can't see normally during gameplay, and relate to them. Apparently, Elphelt went full-on emo with her redesign. Her outfit is positively covered in things like "no one cares," "never again," "nothing matters," "nowhere to go."


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
So, good news and bad news. Good news is Revelator's digital figure mode is out. Jack-O' is stylish.

Groovy ever since 1991.

Bad news is it's all unlocked through fishing. You start out with one pose and color for a character of your choice, and you have to fish for the rest.

Also, I brought up before how the characters all have various phrases and things written on their outfits that you can't see normally during gameplay, and relate to them. Apparently, Elphelt went full-on emo with her redesign. Her outfit is positively covered in things like "no one cares," "never again," "nothing matters," "nowhere to go."

What do you mean by you have to "fish" for it? o . O
Of course a Japanese game had to slap a huge watermark on the image. *sigh*


Well-Known Member
It's basically a sort of gachapon system. By playing the game, playing matches, going through arcade mode, finishing the story, etc. you get world dollars, or W$. You can then spend those W$ to fish, which gives you a chance to get most of the game's unlocks for much less than it would normally take. Songs, colors, that kind of thing. You can spend 200 to fish up one thing, or 2,000 to fish up 10.

There are easy ways to get W$, though. Specifically, you get 100k for completing all of the arcade stories (in addition to what you earned playing through each one), and both halves of the story mode give you 50k upon completion. I believe the tutorial gives you a big bonus, too, as well as doing combo challenges, which awards you for each challenge completed, rather than for finishing all of them.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Ah I see! Similar to Virtua Fighter 5 (before Final Showdown) or recently Street Fighter V. Well, if it is not as shameless money making as in Street Fighter 5 but more like VF5 then I would be alright with that.

Final Fantasy XV's Duscae region over time:

Tech demo, November 2014:



Great, natural lighting, high grass density and visibility radius but few trees or other objects, clearly unfinished yet.

Episode Duscae Demo, March 2015:



Adjusted lighting, less grass density and smaller visibility radius but more trees and other objects, area still unfinished around it's borders though.

Gamescom master version, August 2016:



Downgraded lighting, flatter but brighter, even less grass density and even smaller visibility radius, swapped trees and bushes for different ones, LOD (level of detail in the distance) is atrocious. D:

Retail version, end of 2016:



Lighting upgraded again (though not reaching Duscae or 2014 lighting), grass density the same as in Gamescom master version but the visibility radius is bigger, added vegetation like trees and bushes, LOD of trees and bushes is a lot higher than in the Gamescom master version.

So which version do you like best? :)
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