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  1. Gurimmjaw

    Jann Lee Tech

    I was messing around with some Jann Lee wall stuff and found something very interesting with his 6t. Not the one where you go into Dragon Stance but when the opponent falls down. The interesting thing about this is you can freestep and get a backturned hit. I have done a lot of testing with this...
  2. Gurimmjaw

    Fixed Having problems accessing site

    Hello Im having a real problem accessing the site. If I go to home or forum section this here pops up: This happens when I go to or Every section seems to be working fine except for going to home and forums. @Mr. Wah...
  3. Gurimmjaw

    Jann Lee changes

    Hello everyone, Jann Lee player here. I was talking with my good friend @Darkslay about some changes for Jann Lee that would be nice well it first started out as talking about a move becoming a normal from one of his movesets and I was thinking maybe we can get some changes to happen for a...
  4. Gurimmjaw

    New Mila player and have a few questions

    Ok, so after going through a lot of the characters in DoA5U, Mila seemed to be the most fitting for me. Really love her style and is the most fun in this game imo, so I decided to main her. My questions are what exactly is her style? Is she played rushdown or zoning? Or is she a mix of both...
  5. Gurimmjaw

    Need to play good players and help improve my game

    Hello, im really new to this site but not DoA though I never improved too much into it. I know in DoA4 when I would play I would always get caught in hold counters and when pressured I would abuse them too and got punished for it. I dont really want to play randoms but good players to play so I...