Community European Scene Presents: RoF III

Recently we have been contacted by a European Tournament Organizer by the name of @K4rma who has a message to other European players and this site pertaining to an upcoming event:

"I’m Maxime «Karma » Besenval, a french DoA player and tournament organizer. First of all, even if I’m a silent reader of Free Step Dodge, I’d like to say thanks for creating the website as it’s a real great community tool for all DoA players; even the French ones.

Since the release of the DoA5, we implemented 8 offline tournaments of the game (RoF# 1 & 2, Stun Academy, 36th Chamber of DoA # 1, 2 & 3, Winter Session and StunFest). We always reached at least 32 subscriptions. As a consequence, a lot of players from other countries (Northern Europe, Belgium, Italy…) showed-up at each of our tournaments. In particular, The Republic of Fighters (RoF) is a Paris-based tournament with 8 fighting games. As a prestigious meeting place for the world’s best players the RoF quickly established itself as one of the main European gatherings (here is our Website, YouTube & Facebook for more information, photo & gameplay).

Our next event, RoF III, will take place in Paris the 17 & 18th of May, 2014. We expect more than 40 players, and the best European players have already subscribed (such as Gehaktbal or Alucardo).

If you need any help through the registration process, please feel free to contact me."

You can register for RoF III on their main site. Good luck to the European scene!

Here is an example of their tournament play from the first RoF:

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5000$ cash prize + benefits so far into the game's life is impressive. I also like that you are promoting this in English for the none-French speaking people now. Looks like we EU dogs are starting to get our stuff together as well.

As for me, I would have wanted to show up, but the tournament day is on the exact same day my wife and I are expecting our first child, so that kinda has to take priority (figures). :rolleyes: