Frame Data


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
This opening post is primarily about Mila but is a good general discussion about adding/changing frame data in the FSD Wiki.
Link below heads to Mila frame data.​

Data as of Patch 1.03A(+)
Data gathered Via Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita systems (both up to date with latest Patches. FYI 95% of data gathered was with the Vita. It has amazing data access that the consoles just do not have).

Frame Data for Mila is in the link above. Can also be accessed by going to the character wiki and selecting Mila, it will be at the top of the Mila character description.
Able to be edited by any FSD member. If you have additional comments on moves look for sections saying | NOTES=[/template] while editing the page and add your 2 cents after the = sign but before the [/template] command. If you see something wrong about the data you will have to carefully modify the data to make it right, knowledge of terms and acronyms may be necessary.
Careful when messing around in there, you could severely cripple a section, move, or the entire page with the wrong key insertion or deletion. Use the "Preview" Button before making saves (located below the edit box).

Unfinished/Ungathered Data: Backturned and Crouching Foe being hit data. Will gather eventually.

When looking at "Execution" data there are three variables X (Y) Z.
X is Startup/Initial Frames, Y is Active Frames, Z is Recovery Frames.
There are 60 frames in one second in all versions of DOA5.

Interesting Notes About Mila:
Mila's "Wall Power Slam" can't be used against or near ropes, breakable objects, breakable walls, or rounded/odd shaped walls (although her wall hold, which is the same thing, can be used near some of these). Shame, it's her highest damage potential throw (has a mount segment and can Wall and Ground Splat at all times except for :H+P: in Mount sequence) at 100 points if you get all 3 punches off. Hopefully fixed somehow by Team Ninja, something similar to Bass' :6::H+P:. Maybe an extended running sequence for ropes?

Would be nice if her "Bass Kick" had 1 or 2 more startup frames so it is guaranteed in her :3::H+K: force tech, currently whiffs if you use it at the fastest inputs and leaves you defenseless.

Frame Data Updates - Updated as changes are made.

4/17/2013 - Frame Data Created
Finished frame data for all "Basic Punch" Basic Attacks.

Finished frame data for remaining Basic Attacks (Ks, P+Ks, and H+Ks).

Finished frame data for Side Step Attacks, Wakeup Attacks, Down Attacks, Throws/OH, Mount/Side Mount/Sprawl options, Mount Breaks, Takedown options and TDFeints, Holds, and Tag Throws.

Added Back-Turned attacks (check them out).
Edited some grammar.

Fixed issue with data boxes being half the size of allowed space and made things prettier.

We have Mila smilies now! :mila:


Well-Known Member
Unfinished/Ungathered Data: Backturned and Crouching Foe being hit data. Will gather eventually.

Great job putting together all this info but I feel like BT data is overkill. My biggest beef with the Prima guide was that it wasted so much space on something that 99.9% of players will never use just for the sake of completeness. It probably would've been better to just make a list like 'top 3 moves for back turned opponents'


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Yeah, I said something about that in one of my Twitter posts. It really only applies to characters that BT often like Ayane, Brad, and sometimes Bass and La Mariposa (depending on skill). Not enough players/characters are back turned long enough to warrant the need to gather the data as soon as possible because of their general lack of BT options (and they turn around pretty quickly because a BT player is open season).
For characters that thrive off of their throws that leave foes BT (ex. Bass, Bayman, Tina) then you should really consider just getting the data on moves that are capable of coming out fast enough to hit off of those throws without the opponent being able to turn around (like Bass' bnb BT:H+P: 9:P: combos).

I probably won't gather it for quite some time (if at all because of Mila's distinct lack of moves that leave foes back turned) but even if I did I would only gather the first BT hits on both standing and crouching foes that I get without the hassle of having to switch between Counter and Hi-Counters (99% of the time you will be getting Hi-Counters anyway).


Active Member
Great job putting together all this info but I feel like BT data is overkill. My biggest beef with the Prima guide was that it wasted so much space on something that 99.9% of players will never use just for the sake of completeness. It probably would've been better to just make a list like 'top 3 moves for back turned opponents'

Well, that is what frame data is for: to formally describe a character move set. It's not a place for move rankings or strategy. While indeed some moves are less useful than others I wouldn't expect to see "Top three moves on crouching opponent" on a frame data page. Because what about other moves, how are they worse?

For example, how often do you land a throw on a crouching back turned opponent in a real match? Still there's a dedicated move which needs to be listed eventually.

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I have very little wiki editing experience. How exactly does one go about creating a frame data page? I'd like to make one for Bayman.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
look at the other pages for which template you want.

like [template=doa5fdrow]

then you fill in all the variables for the template such as DMG=36 spacing each with a | then enter a [/template]



FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
TLDR: Follow examples set in existing pages. Incoming wall of text.

Don't forget to create a page too. You can find one of those buttons here. Scroll down to the "Create a Page" button, create the title on the next page and put it in the right sub category (parent node, is below all the other stuff). Way I went about making that was going into another character's data file, selecting edit, look for the right lines of code and copy/paste/modify as needed.

Try to open each section with something like this (without quotes):

"[ H2]Basic Attacks[ /H2]

Below is what the code for Mila's :P: looks like when editing (without quotation marks). You can modify data after the = signs bit not before them.

"[template=doa5fdstrike-row]NAME=Jab | LEVEL=:high::P: | CMD=:P: | EXECUTION=10(2)5 | DAMAGE=10 | GUARD=-5 | DELAY=12-23 | REACH=1.16m | HITTYPE=-| KNOCKBACK=0.00m | NH=-5 | CH=-2 | HCH=26-34 | CNH=- | CCH=- | CHCH=- | BNH=- | BHCH=- | BCNH=- | BCHCH=- | CNH=- | CHCH=- | TRACK=0 | WALL=- | NOTES= [/template]"

End each section with (without quotes):


The H2 and /H2 commands would normally have no space, had to include it so you could see it. In this particular setup Mr. Wah has is so that it makes section headers and has an automatic hyperlinks set to appear at the top of the page (really cool).
The second set of quotes closes out the "strikes" template (in top one says strike-start, bottom strike-end) and would end the section. Required to end that particular section. Each section has a start and end, if you look through what I made I have 2 lines of space between each section closer (ex. strike-end) and 1 line of space between the end of a section and the section closer (info on the attacks themselves). I suggest you do something similar just for the sake of organization.

Don't modify anything other than what is stated after = signs for the strikes or you will just get a bunch of garbage.

For throws I used (without quotes and spaces at H2 commands):

[ H2]Throws[ /H2]
[template=doa5fdstart]COL1=Notation | COL2=Height | COL3=Initial | COL4=Active | COL5=Recovery | COL6=Damage | COL7=Advantage | COL8=Environment | COL9=Offensive Hold | COL10=Notes[/template]
[template=doa5fdrow]COL1=:H+P: | COL2=:high: | COL3=5 | COL4=2 | COL5=22 | COL6=42 | COL7= | COL8=Ground | COL9=- |COL10="Throwdown" |[/template]"

[template=doa5fdend]COL1=Notation | COL2=Height | COL3=Initial | COL4=Active | COL5=Recovery | COL6=Damage | COL7=Advantage | COL8=Environment | COL9=Offensive Hold | COL10=Notes[/template]"

Same idea but this time you can modify the COL sections to a degree (not sure of what the limits are try not to exceed). There is still an opening and closing command, remember to keep that in mind.

There are more things you can find for sections (holds, special moves, whatever) but you can search data for those.

Just remember you can check out what other data looks like by hitting the "Edit" button on a page. If you don't include a section or improperly code a section you will get garbage (so previewing often is a good idea until you get the hang of things). It will just end up taking a lot of your time.

Took me a couple hours to gather data (and I had forgotten about SE so I gathered that while putting the info in) and a week to get the data put in right (and I really need to add a partitions section but that won't happen until at least next week, for now I recommend Mila players use her :P: while in the air part of wall partitions to setup for extended combos).
Remember to open and close each section properly. Otherwise you will be missing entire sections after or before them and you will have to go command hunting to find what you missed.
TAKE YOUR TIME. Don't rush to get it done. Preview every so often so you know you are doing it right.
Look at other pages to help you out or contact someone who can help you (I generally check out web stuff evenings when I wake up/before I go to work and mornings before I get to bed).

*not trying to steal spotlight, I just like helping people out. Plus Mr. Wah knows best kids, remember that.*

And like Kitchener said, it's a hell of a lot easier than HTML (used to code with that, pain in the ass if you screw up somewhere and don't catch it). And no, I will not code with it ever again as I have forgotten just about everything I used to know.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Templates are basically predefined HTML. Only they require variables to be filled out. It's used so that I can make an edit to the HTML design and have it updated in all articles using that template. Plus all you need to for is fill in those videos.


Active Member
Terms and abbreviations that are used on frame data pages.


(Strike) Level — hit height hold attribute, e.g. high punch (:high::P:);
(Throw) Level — throw/offensive hold height and attributes, e.g. Back Low Throw, Wall Front High Throw.
(Hold) Level — effective hold height and attributes, e.g. High Punch Hold, Low Punch Kick Parry;
Execution — move frame data written as "Initial(Active)Recovery", if there's only one number it's initial frames;
Guard — advantage on blocked hit;
NH — advantage on normal hit;
CH — advantage on counter hit;
HCH — advantage on hi counter hit;
BH — advantage on back hit;
Tracking — presence of tracking attribute;
Wall — wall splat attribute;
Break — advantage on throw break;

Instead of raw advantage number following terms can be used:

Cr(N), Cr(N-M) — critical stun advantage;
KD — knockdown (when opponent is knocked down without considerable position change);
KB — knock back (when opponent is blown away).
LNC — launcher (upward launcher);
SLNC — super launcher (launches very high, e.g. Hayabusa's Izuna throw);
BNC — ground bounce.

Following terms are used in move notes:

FC — full crouching, move makes character be in full crouching state during some part;
BT — back turned;
TC — technically crouching: move does not put character in full crouching state, but avoids highs during some part of animation;
TJ — technically jumping: jumping move, however it is not necessary invulnerable to lows in this game;
STC — super tech crouching: tech crouching and avoids some (upper) mids as well;
STJ — super tech jumping: jumping move, jumps high enough to avoid standing mids and highs during some part of animation;
GB — guard break;
NH — normal hit;
CNH, CNH[N], CNH[N-M] — critical normal hit, critical stun advantage may be specified in brackets;
CH — counter hit;
CCH, CCH[N], CCH[N-M] — critical counter hit, critical stun advantage may be specified in brackets;
HCH — hi counter hit;
CHCH, CHCH[N], CHCH[N-M] — critical hi counter hit, critical stun advantage may be specified in brackets;
BH — back hit (against back-turned opponent);
CBH, CBH[N], CBH[N-M] — critical back hit, critical stun advantage may be specified in brackets;
BCH — back counter hit (rarely needed to describe unique properties);
BHCH — back hi counter hit (rare);
CrNH — normal hit against crouching opponent;
CCrNH, CCrNH[N], CCrNH[N-M] — critical crouching normal hit;
CrCH — counter hit against crouching opponent;
CCrCH, CCrCH[N], CCrCH[N-M] — critical crouching counter hit;
CrHCH — hi counter hit against crouching opponent;
CCrHCH, CCrHCH[N], CCrHCH[N-M] — critical crouching hi counter hit;
BCrH, BCrCH, BCrHCH — normal, counter, hi counter back hit against crouching opponent;
NC — natural combo, fully guaranteed after first hit connects on certain conditions (e.g. PP is NC on NH);

There are no abbreviations for following properties when described in notes, they are always written fully:

- untechable knockdown;
- forces tech [N];
- low invulnerability (or evades lows);
- hits opponent on ground;
- close hit possible;
- launches on ...;
- ground bounce;
- relauches on air hit;
- flips on air hit;
- side laucher;
- wall splats;
- unholdable;
- forces crouching;
- open stance;
- closed stance;
- flips stance (i.e. changes foot stance);
- tip range;
- and everything else needed to properly describe a move.

"~" means state transition after move recovery. "~ FC" means that move leaves character in full crouching state. "~ BT" means that move leaves character in back turned state. "~ Stance-Name" means stance transition.

Suggested stun classification for some of stuns having notable unholdable portion or leading to knockdown:

- sit down stun;
- trip stun;
- lift stun;
- uppercut stun;
- nosebleed stun;
- half turn stun;
- full turn stun;
- crumple stun;
- back crumple stun;
- back stagger.


New Member
whoever contributed this link did a good job.. wish they would finish the rest of the characters? :)

as a side note the move details screen doesn't show damage dealt?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Any user can modify the wiki or create the frame data pages. Just use the proper templates. Bass' DOA5 frame data page has all of the proper templates being used.


New Member
yea but where would you get the frame data from? in my game, the training mode doesn't show the frame data properly and glitches it out//doesn't display it. I was wondering if anyone has a link to all the finished characters.

not hating on anyone who went through all the work of posting up what characters have been finished on here of course. just saying I couldn't find the data online anywhere. or at least not with google.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
In the current console versions you get limited access to frame data. For example instead of getting inital/active/recovery frames on commands you get a total of all those frames together. Right now only DOA5+ on the PSVita has access to that kind of information without recording at 60fps, slowing it all down, counting each frame, and putting it all together.

Character data gets finished as people take the time to gather it. You kind of really have to know your character to be able to find some of the information (ex. moves not displayed in command list, spacing to hit target to get an accurate read on damage output of a single hit in a string, move properties under different situations). Any data that is found in the site wiki was made by a user who took the time to gather it.

Edit: Almost forgot, if you buy the Prima Guide it also has frame data on everyone but a good bit of it is unreliable now as there are now new moves and changes to frames, damage, and properties of currently existing ones.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Edit: Almost forgot, if you buy the Prima Guide it also has frame data on everyone but a good bit of it is unreliable now as there are now new moves and changes to frames, damage, and properties of currently existing ones.
The JP Final Guide has 1.03A frame data: