DOA5LR Okay... One Last Time. (Its just me complaining again)


Well-Known Member
Okay so we all know Jacky has an arbitrarily high execution barrier.... even Espcially by VF Standards. Theres absolutely no reason to make the Critical Burst so unforgiving, among all his other moves like 44P+K, 44P, 44K.

And the fact that its actually a whole lot easier to do these inputs in Virtua Fighter does not make things better... its kinda stupid

And with that said.... I'l try playing Jacky one more time.... if this doesn't work out then I don't know anymore... I'm just so fed up and frustrated with all this execution nonsense.


Well-Known Member
What makes those double forward/66 (:6::6:) or double backward/44 (:4::4:) moves so hard for you if you don't mind me asking?


Well-Known Member
Its the Leniency, I mentioned while back how inconsistent it is.
For example Hayate's :6::6::P: as way more lenient than his :6::6::P+K:.
Or in the case of Virtua Fighter 5 all :6::6: and :4::4: are lenient and consistent across the few characters I played as
including Jacky's Step In Middle Kick (:6::6::H+K:). in DoA, Jacky's :4::4::P+K: is even less forgiving.

Theres also Instances of the inputs being way way too Lenient like Tina and Brad Wong's :6::6::P+K: coming out when I'm trying to do :6::P+K:..... However when I need this too happen, like in Sarah's Combo Challenge, it doesn't.
its like each character and in some cases each move was designed by a completely different team.


Well-Known Member
Man my thumb really hurts.....
Anyway so I finaly took Jacky out of the Dojo, prematurely ofcourse. And as you would expect I've been losing non stop.... but I'm used to that so thats not whats bothering me.....

Whats bothering me is my thumb freaking hurts, this is from trying to pull off Jacky's Critical Burst so much. Oh and all three of his :4::4: moves since the parry is totally useless unless you can do it Raw and I like BT:P+K:, not to mention this requires all my concentration so I have attention left to spare for mix ups.

I originally wanted to use Momiji for my execition training but I figured why not just train with the character I've always wanted to use

Oh did I mention my thumb hurts ? It really does. :mad:

Okay I'm done venting.... have nice day yall. ;)


Well-Known Member
Must be your controller man. I saw a while ago that you play on an Xbox 360 controller, and that controller is not the most comfortable controller for doing :4::4: / :6::6: inputs, in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Must be your controller man. I saw a while ago that you play on an Xbox 360 controller, and that controller is not the most comfortable controller for doing :4::4: / :6::6: inputs, in my opinion.

you would think Team Ninja would test these kinds of things..... :(


Well-Known Member
Theres one more thing I want to go over for why I chose Jacky to train with.....
First of all... I don't actually like him, Sarah is my one and only Bryant.... 2ndly, I perform:4::4:/:6::6: inputs like this.....:6::6_: when facing right and :4::4_: when facing left.... this is because for some reason this works better for some characters than the given :4::4:/:6::6: input.... seriously go grab A character like Tina and try :6::6_::K:.... it works and it actually works more often than :6::6::K:.... the catch is it only for some characters and not for other characters, in Hayate's case it work for his :6::6::P: but not for his:6::6::P+K:.... and it doesn't work for any of the backward motions other than throws......

Which brings me to why I chose Jacky.... its because my :6::6_: doesn't work at all on any of his moves other than :6::6_::K:, which I think is useless...... ofcourse I could have also used Momiji because her :4::4:/:6::6: inputs are just as unforgiving as Jacky's, however I chose Jacky because his :4::4:/:6::6: moves are linked to much more important moves, namely his Stance and his Critical Burst. For Momiji its just a different set of moves.... nothing crucial about them.

And uhm yeah.... thats just about it. Long live the white dragon !!!