RISE UP! Street Fighter V on PS4 and PC


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
So Viola and Rose magically had a kid. Wooooooooooow.

Rose and Viola getting together and...


That's a interesting thought actually. :oops:

But, seriously. The Capcom staff members in their character design division took a lot of stuff from Eliza from SG, Amasuka from the SNK fighting games, and Viola from SC at once. Then the said division just said 'hey, this is cool design, perfectly original! So let's use it!"

She is visually appealing but these aesthetics are too damn similar. Way too damn similar.


Well-Known Member
Interesting choice with Urien's halloween costume, practically deconfirms Gill ever returning for this game.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
So, they kind of lied about the "not needing another disc" thing? I can't say that I'm surprised. At least it's free for those who bought the vanilla version, I guess.


Premium Donor
They didn't really lie per say, you don't need another disc if you have the vanilla game. The new disc copy is basically just a quicker way for players to get the game with everything up to that point included at a good price, trust me it's way less stressful to just buy a good price arcade edition of the game than to go to the hassle of buying the vanilla version and having to download all the 20+ GB updates including the arcade content just to catch up

For what it's worth, the UI looks better and character faces and models look a bit more crisp. I preferred the original Character select tho




I hope we'll be able to fight gill, hed the best boss out of every one in the series and I love how dark SF3 was with all the illuminati and darker elements. I also hope they add Remy too


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Fighter 5 arcade edition incoming!! The trailer is on the site, also everything but DLC characters is free for people who already own a copy like me!

DLC costumes and stages are also not free/included.

Since this will also be a new, separately sold game, there will finally be a PS4 Pro patch. I'm really interested to see how they are going to improve the game's visuals. So far the game looks terrible on PS4, while the PC version looks quite nice.

...and character faces and models look a bit more crisp.

There is no way one can tell that from a small, compressed jpeg that is also most likely captured from the PC version.


Well-Known Member
TFW no Sakura... >.> I bought SFV on sale on PSN so it had Season 1 already and bought Men at with fight money but... Its still missing Sakura


Premium Donor
I just want Remy in, Makoto, C viper and I'll be fine, oh and Ingrid! The others I don't care much about although if they add them I suggest they prioritize unique characters and not shotos or copies of existing characters. I also hope theyll add Gill too, he's the best character in the Street Fighter Series imo next to maybe Kolin and Ed and anyone else I like

They should also make hairstyles selectable too, that would be so cool to use Juri with loose hair on other costumed for example


Well-Known Member
You know what I always find funny about Capcom.... They don't know how Accessibility works.

Rather than using simpler inputs, they keep the complex inputs and then make them easier by making them more Lenient.... LoL... then the really good players take that leniency, that was meant to make the game more accessible, and use it to form "Shortcuts" into new Combos and Tech... effectively raising the Execution Difficulty of the game back up again. :)


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The Arcade Edition opening looks pretty amazing! O: Wished the actual game looked as polished and clean as that. Well, maybe on PS5. ;)

Oh, and Cody will be back?!


I know someone who will be all over him... XD

If they give the game with its rerelease a proper PS4 Pro improvement in addition to the arcade mode, I might actually give this game another chance.