

Premium Donor

Harada is hinting at announcing something there. There was also 8 new DLC files found on PC so who knows whats in those files

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
As much as I would love to see Lei, Anna and Julia revealed at E3, I'm not going to keep my hopes up. I'm betting those 8 DLC files are probably just additional customization items.


Premium Donor
As much as I would love to see Lei, Anna and Julia revealed at E3, I'm not going to keep my hopes up. I'm betting those 8 DLC files are probably just additional customization items.
If that is the case its strange since consoles would be getting the DLC first which hasn't happened yet. Characters however have came to consoles first thus far


Well-Known Member
If it was something like Anna and other characters being added to the game that would definitely be worth the E3 thing. I don't own T7 but I really hope its Anna being added! She was always a character I liked and its so strange for hee not to be in T7 so it would be awesome to see her in the game. And Julia is cool too so It would be cool to see her too.


Well-Known Member
If it’s 8 characters, it’ll probably be fan favorites mixed with newbies

1. Kunimitsu
2. Lei Wulong
3. Anna Williams
4. Julia Chang
5. New Male
6. New Female
7. Guest
8. Guest


Premium Donor
there's still Arcade stuff that isn't on console yet though.
I know
If it’s 8 characters, it’ll probably be fan favorites mixed with newbies

1. Kunimitsu
2. Lei Wulong
3. Anna Williams
4. Julia Chang
5. New Male
6. New Female
7. Guest
8. Guest
I'd rather starve myself than have to have another guest. There's enough in the game already


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
I know

I'd rather starve myself than have to have another guest. There's enough in the game already

This I agree with.

Gouki and Geese were enough. Noctis was admittedly a weird choice, especially considering the nature of his series and the fact that he would fit into something along the lines of Soul Calibur 6.

While at least three or four legacy characters are a good idea, I highly doubt something like that is going to happen at E3 or even EVO for that matter. Strangely enough, there are still some opened slots on the character select screen and on the customization menus. Those slots could be used. But, I still strongly doubt if the Tekken 7 staff members are going to do anything significant.

Mechanically speaking, Tekken 7 is a great game to play. Customizations are a hit or miss among many people I spoken to: Many great ideas, some cool looking designs here and there. Then there are an over abundance of T-SHIRTS, odd color palettes, and some shallow accessories, even when compared to TTT2. It is said that decals are supposed to introduced at some point, based on Flying Wonkey recent tweets but I am not sure at this point. Tekken 7 also has the issue of not giving the player enough to do offline and there is also the lack of a replay feature.

With these praises and criticisms in mind, all we can do for now is just wait. And, periodically continue playing the game for tournaments or novelty sake, unless one is still not too thrilled with the idea of the game.


Premium Donor
For real, I don’t want anymore guest. But I get a feeling that’s what it’ll come down too.
As long as its a hot girl or guy I dont mind but make it someone I like like maybe Baki the Grappler


I don't have any girls I really want since there's none of interest besides maybe long hair A2


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It's all based god Harada and his marketing team. You have to tickle Harada's nuts for stuff to happen because he'll ask Namco rather than telling Namco. Harada has most of the say but not with the whole executive portions and content funding when it comes to past characters.


Premium Donor
What hype? Like Geese, sure there was a Lot of hype but they made him way too hard and complex to use with all that EX meter and jump 2D mumbo jumbo. Noctis I can see since he's easy to use and fairly popular but still. There's a problem when more than 3 characters in a game are guests. Akuma is already in. Geese is already in. Noctis is already in, that's enough. Idc who the next guest is, it could be Ed, Terra, Chun Li, Nicki Minaj, etc. If I see one more guest I'll literally hurl, like this is too much


Well-Known Member
If legacy characters aren’t returning, then it’ll probably be a dlc pack of newbies (and like 2 guest)

Hope Bo Montana is one of them


Premium Donor
I really think Anna is gonna be the one legacy character to come, any characters who aren't in Tekken Mobile I can see returning since there's no point for Christie being in since she fights like Eddy, only difference is that she's slightly more evasive. Marduk also doesn't have to be in since he has no reason to return, King's story basically put him on a bus with Armour King and killed him off, plus his story became balls after King whooped his ass in T5 and they became friends, and they did that whole "Resurrect Raidou" shit by bringing back Armor King and lumping him into Marduks story with no proper closure


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
The most Bamco will do is probably add on more customization features and possibly something else to do offline. Along with that would come a slight adjustment to the online game play.

In the meanwhile, I am having a lot of fun with Geese, though he is not quite as... safe as I want him to be.
(I don't completely understand why his fff1 is minus on block, other than to bait players into attacking for Geese to implement his counters from those mind games).


Premium Donor
I hope they make Lili safer or just add anna since I feel like even watching lili players its a chore and it gets harder to win with her over time since she gets so predictable while anna on the other hand had answers for every situation xD


Well-Known Member
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What hype? Like Geese, sure there was a Lot of hype but they made him way too hard and complex to use with all that EX meter and jump 2D mumbo jumbo. Noctis I can see since he's easy to use and fairly popular but still.

Character difficulty was never a reason for cast issues. It's what I always say, there are bad guests and there are good ones. Guests in general are an upgrade to the game even if it's guests nobody wanted. It could be one of the shittiest guest characters and it can still benefit the company because of the partnership one can do. I think Noctis was a terrible decision by Namco for T7 (I still don't get why people are hype for this guy in the game, he's not even a fighting game character). Even if he was made from scratch, he still looks damn weird. Maybe because that gameplay of his just doesn't fit the atmosphere of Tekken whereas Akuma and Geese fit perfectly in that environment.

It is true what Wazaaa said though. They generate more hype and just a better overall result even if it was a shitty inclusion from a shitty game. The worst guests are the console exclusive guests. Those get banned and just a waste of damn money. Why bother learning a console exclusive character when it's going to get banned anyway lol.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Gouki and Geese were admittedly good choices in context of Tekken 7.

They finally got to interact with each other! After more than ten years from CVS2 (or SVC Chaos if one is being strict).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Gouki and Geese were admittedly good choices in context of Tekken 7.

They finally got to interact with each other! After more than ten years from CVS2 (or SVC Chaos if one is being strict).

It was very unfortunate that they didn't include special dialogue for those two via T7.

Akuma: .....Hmph, we fist once more.

-Screen Darkens- -Throw breaks-

Geese: ......You.

-Remix special battle theme commences-.