Who's your favorite DOA character¿ and why¿

TRI Mike

Well-Known Member
I haven't seen a thread about this specific topic and I'm interested to know. I know about Awesmic and Sypha's love for Christie, Bryan for Helena and Erik for Bayman and Leon but what about the rest¿ Personally, I have four favorite characters in the DOA world:
- Jann Lee
- Helena
- Leifang
- Busa

Jann Lee because he was the first I used and got good with in DOA2 and because his fighting style is just too damn awesome. Helena because her gameplay style in DOA4 just made me fall in love, in fact, I mained her there, Leifang because I thought she was the prettiest and was the first DOA girl I started to like when I was a teenager and Busa simply because of Ninja Gaiden 1, one of my favorite games of all time.

Which are yours¿


Active Member
Kasumi because she looks great, her play style is fun, and I like her personality.

Ayane was the first character I got good with and mained in DOA2U.

Hitomi, same as Kasumi.


Well-Known Member
Lee, from the first time I played. I felt he was the only character that could be real so I played him.


Well-Known Member
Kasumi was the first character I played and really enjoyed, but since then I've grown to like all the characters for different reasons. I know it sounds plain, but it's the truth.

Baron West

Ayane. She was the first character I was able to become effective with in the PS DOA. She has an open ended play style that allows for versatility and flash, but her fundamentals are solid enough for her to be a competitive character. I also like the fact that Ayane doesn't fit into a specific archetype for fighting game characters. There's the Bruce-Lee Clone, the Old Chinese Master, The Wrestler, The Black Guy who boxes, The Ninja, The Sexy Blonde girl, The Chinese Chick who probably wears blue, Military Guy,...but Ayane doesn't really fall into an archetype. She's not really the quintessential Ninja. While there may be tons of purple haired ninja girls in anime/manga, she's fairly distinctive in terms of fighting games appearance wise. Or at least, successful ones.

I also get a kick out of the fact that she's at least 6'2" and but listed as 5'2".

As someone who played the first three NES Ninja Gaiden's it's hard for me not to like Hayabusa. I was hyped when I first saw him in the roster of DOA1.

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member

After DOA3 and DOAU2 in game storyline and cg's it was a lock.

I actually couldn't stand her prior.

:hitomi: is a close second, followed by :kasumi: and . . . still no Kokoro icon :eek:

Vanity Assassin

Active Member
Helena has always been my fav. I have always liked her storyline and the way she fights has always be pretty epic to me. I liked how winning with her was harder and more of a challenge, and I love a challenge.

She also has sentimental value for me, back in DOAU day since I played her it brought me to meeting someone(he played her as well) who made a big impact on my life back in the day, and someone who I became very good friends with and is still dear to my heart.

DOA brought me to meeting a lot of people who are dear to me and have become life long friends.

Also back then there was a small group of people who played Helena, it was awesome, it was like we were an elite little group and I used to love when I would encounter people online who would get freaked to play a Helena player :)

Dr. Teeth

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Tina first, with Bass, Hayate, and Helena all tied for second. I've mained Tina in every DOA game since 2 on the Dreamcast with the exception of DOA 4 when I switched to Helena due to her being so good in that game and Tina being so . . . not. Still used her as a sub and had her on my main tag team though.

The thing that makes Tina my favorite is how over the top ridiculous her storyline is. A wrasslin' model and actress who's also a rock star? What's next? Is she gonna run for public office?

To be honest, I would love it if her DOA 5 story centered around her bid for the presidency. The entire game would be about making campaign promises and managing her funds. Instead of fighting other DOA characters, she would have debates against her political opponents. Her story would end with her becoming the first female president in US history and in every DOA game after, she'd be referred to as President Armstrong and all of her costumes are pantsuits.

Forget whatever DOA 5's story mode is going to be. I want to play the game I just made up.


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Bass, followed closely by Tina.
I reckon with Bass it goes back to DOA3, then using him online on DOA2U. Seeing countless users of the ninjas, it struck a chord with me much like the Shotos in StreetFighter (hence becoming a huge Dan fan/player).
He's just pure power, not much in the way of mix-ups, but that's where the fun is. The challenge in keeping your opponent close and cornered rather than far and away. Really having to rely on punishing mistakes and making your hits/throws count.


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La Mariposa because she's fun to excel with. When you get on a roll with her your opponent doesn't know what hit 'em.