Would you want Kasumi and Hayate in Ninja Gaiden story mode


Active Member
Eh, Kasumi is Doa imo like Ryu is Ninja Gaiden.....i don't want Kasumi in Ninja Gaiden even though Ryu is in DOA......weird.

Dunno why, i don't mind others making cameo's and having roles but i only want Kasumi in DOA.

Pretty weird opinion but there ya go.


Well-Known Member
hayate - supporting cast NPC for ryu to talk to among mission, kill a bad guy or two for entrence. can be usable for multiplayer

kasumi - supporting cast NPC for ryu to talk to among mission, more scene for fanservice (always wear sexy outfit like ayane in bath towel) , got a few kickass moment to show her thigh, can be usable for multiplayer


Well-Known Member
Hell no. Ninja Gaiden is only supposed to focus on Busa alone, Momiji can also play a bit of a minor role because she is a Hayabusa ninja.

I don't give a fuck about Kasumi, I want her to stay out of this.

Hayate... I wouldn't mind if he were playable or if he just make a few seconds appearance. He needs to at least have a moment to show his potential which he never got a chance in DOA. Besides, I'm interested to see how the Nakiryu and the Raijin transition into NG style.

EDIT : When I said I don't give a fuck about Kasumi, I mean I want her delimbed or decapitated by a fiend, along with Rachel, and that's saying something.
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kasumi - supporting cast NPC for ryu to talk to among mission, more scene for fanservice (always wear sexy outfit like ayane in bath towel) , got a few kickass moment to show her thigh,
Really gonna disagree with this one. Arguably the only good thing NG3 did was tone down the sexual fanservice. It's the only one of the three games whose female lead dressed sensibly and was also the only one I found moderately tolerable. Of course, Razor's Edge fucked everything up with it's stupid Ayane cutscene, but regardless, I'd like to see Ninja Gaiden focus more on its bloody action than bloody tits.


This is frame advantage
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There is no need. Kasumi, already has her own series to worry about, in addition to her brother.

Bear in mind that I am not completely familiar with NG but I am aware that it has been around for a hot minute as a noteworthy action video game series. Hayabusa is also part of DOA (canonically winning DOA2 and generally involving himself in putting a stop to M.I.S.T., formerly DOATECH).

Kasumi is the poster girl for her own series and she was made as a fighting game character. Kasumi has no real need to be in NG. At the same time, her appearance can be treated like how Mai's appearance in KOF is:
Mai originally hails from FF but is also a part of KOF as a recurring character. But, KOF and FF operate by two different continuities and Mai's personality and her traits contain some differences between her KOF counterpart and her FF self. Kasumi could show herself in NG but there could be a possibility that her backstory or role will change, as DOA and NG are two different series

(I need someone to correct me. Is NG part of the same universe as DOA)?

The ideas I had in mind above are just thoughts on how Kasumi... and her brother could show up in NG as cameos (if they didn't already).
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Well-Known Member
Really gonna disagree with this one. Arguably the only good thing NG3 did was tone down the sexual fanservice. It's the only one of the three games whose female lead dressed sensibly and was also the only one I found moderately tolerable. Of course, Razor's Edge fucked everything up with it's stupid Ayane cutscene, but regardless, I'd like to see Ninja Gaiden focus more on its bloody action than bloody tits.

this is the times in japan where added fan service means more sales. itagaki's kasumi tease in NGSigma2 already a signal that she's should to be in NG3 if he's still the head development. the game already show signal that it's going to be on that direction. No doubt yosuke hayashi need to strike the balance between action and fan service because KT still asking TN to make costume for DOA5:confused:


Well-Known Member
this is the times in japan where added fan service means more sales. itagaki's kasumi tease in NGSigma2 already a signal that she's should to be in NG3 if he's still the head development. the game already show signal that it's going to be on that direction. No doubt yosuke hayashi need to strike the balance between action and fan service because KT still asking TN to make costume for DOA5:confused:

FYI, Itagaki never made NGS2, he only made the vanilla NG2.


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this is the times in japan where added fan service means more sales.
I don't care. At all.

itagaki's kasumi tease in NGSigma2 already a signal that she's should to be in NG3 if he's still the head development. [...] yosuke hayashi need to strike the balance between action and fan service
Hayashi directed Sigma 2, and Itagaki hasn't been working for Team Ninja in ages. So I guarantee that he won't be the head of development for NG4.


Premium Donor
I'd like if they added Kasumi again in the next one. TBH I didn't really have an interest in NG3 until I saw that Kasumi was in it

Zero Beat

Well-Known Member
(I need someone to correct me. Is NG part of the same universe as DOA)? .

Yes. Ninja Gaiden 1/Black/Sigma takes place 2 years before DoA 1-4/D, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword takes place 6 months after 1/B/S, Ninja Gaiden 2/Sigma 2 takes place another 6 months later. Ninja Gaiden 3 takes place roughly 2 years after DoA1-4/D and before DoA5.

Itagaki only worked on 1, Black, DS, and 2. The Sigma series, 3 (blegh), and Razor's Edge is all Hayashi. Yaiba was an irredeemable mistake that everyone is better off ignoring. Itagaki had previously stated that Kasumi would never appear in a Ninja Gaiden game he made, because she's too soft for the Ninja Gaiden series. Hayashi disagrees, obviously. Kasumi does not canonically appear in Razor's Edge, she's playable because she's popular and it's a look at what her sword fighting style might be like (a lot of teleports, unsurprisingly). I actually do like her being playable, especially since I got pretty good at using her in RE. The only ideas I have for her possible inclusion would be a tutorial level they could call "Path of the Nukenin" that depicts her fighting against the Mugen Tenshin ninjas sent to kill her and/or a level finally answering if she spent time living at the Hayabusa village before the events of DoA5. Either way, they better be working on NG4 sometime soon. We've already had our first DoA and Xtreme releases this generation, so up next is Ninja Gaiden then maybe DoA6.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Bear in mind that I am not completely familiar with NG but I am aware that it has been around for a hot minute as a noteworthy action video game series. Hayabusa is also part of DOA (canonically winning DOA2 and generally involving himself in putting a stop to M.I.S.T., formerly DOATECH).

Kasumi is the poster girl for her own series and she was made as a fighting game character. Kasumi has no real need to be in NG. At the same time, her appearance can be treated like how Mai's appearance in KOF is:
Mai originally hails from DOA but is also a part of KOF as a recurring character. But, KOF and FF operate by two different continuities and Mai's personality and her traits contain some differences between her KOF counterpart and her FF self. Kasumi could show herself in NG but there could be a possibility that her backstory or role will change, as DOA and NG are two different series

(I need someone to correct me. Is NG part of the same universe as DOA)?

The ideas I had in mind above are just thoughts on how Kasumi... and her brother could show up in NG as cameos (if they didn't already).

Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive are in the same universe and I mean exact same universe.
And funny enough, it's exactly why I'm a little too peeved at how Hayashi changed up the canon in DOA Dimensions.

Ninja Gaiden is Ryu's game and Dead or Alive is mainly Kasumi's(with Ayane and Hayate on the side), so why the fuck is Ryu bailing them out of everything like they are children? Bankotsubo? Makes sense since he's pretty much above their paygrade and more in his territory. But him bailing out Kasumi against Raidou and Ayane AND Hayate against Genra just sours me something fierce since it makes it seem like they can't even handle themselves against typical threats in the slightest.
This makes it pretty stupid in that Ryu states paraphrasing that he has had enough of M.I.S.T.'s bullshit and wants to take the fight to them after seeing the Kasumi clone have emotions and dying pretty pitifully, but it's hard to care when he's basically been bailing everyone out already, why should it suddenly matter so much now?

And what makes it even worse? There's a very high probability he's going to really be in the spotlight for DOA6, which means that it will pretty much be exactly what people here don't like about Kasumi being in NG3RE.


This is frame advantage
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@Xhominid The Demon Within
I know exactly where you are coming from and I agree. DOAD did mess up the continuity quite a bit, causing Kasumi and Ayane to seem weakee as characters because of his frequent involvement
Originally, Kasumi killed Raidou in a brutal match in the first tournament. In DOA3, Ayane had to do the same again Genra (Omega). DOAD just... messes them up basically.

This is also part of the reason I don't really want Kasumi in NG to begin with even though it is clear to me now that it takes place in the same universe as DOA.

Also, the information I got from the lasr couple of posts have been really insightful.


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I would rather see Rachel come back being more bad ass than before. Itagaki never thought Kasumi had a place in the franchise and I agree; especially after seeing her in Razor Edge. Something about it wasn't right and her "innocence" gets in the way of my head-chopping experience.

Hayashi typically doesn't see like Itagaki does because he views the girls as sex toys as made evident by his disgusting mouse pad pictures. Say what you want about Itagaki viewing the girls as his daughters, but it's far more believable than the idea of Ninja Gaiden 4 being a good game under Hayashi's lead. Because of some of his cons as a designer I don't think he could ever knock a Ninja Gaiden out of the park. At least not without using Itagaki's blue-prints to success.

The angle for Hayate is slightly different, but at the end of day I think he would get in Hayabusa's way more than not. Like Kasumi to me he is weak and doesn't have a place in a Ninja Gaiden game, but more than likely it will happen.

If another DOA crossover were to happen I would prefer Bankotsubo as a fun boss that I think could spice up the game a little. It would be humorous if he were to talk shit in combat, or change the seasons during the fight. Tengu show up in NG as bosses so I like to think the possibility is there.


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Kasumi wasn't "right" in RE because her moveset sucked and the game sucked. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was Kasumi.
If your suggestion is that Itagaki depicts female characters in a more tasteful fashion than Hayashi I can do little more than laugh. Yes, he was more "protective" of them, but frankly, that just made everything creepier. DOA4's story movies are still the cringiest, unnecessary shit in all of DOA proper, and those were obviously a product of your boyfriend, Itagaki.

Nioh has the most tasteful depictions of women in any TN game thus far. And while yes, that wasn't directed by Hayashi, I see no reason to suspect that NG4 wouldn't be directed by someone else under TN's current team, as well. So I'm actually relatively optimistic about NG4.


Premium Donor
Kasumi wasn't "right" in RE because her moveset sucked and the game sucked. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was Kasumi.
If your suggestion is that Itagaki depicts female characters in a more tasteful fashion than Hayashi I can do little more than laugh. Yes, he was more "protective" of them, but frankly, that just made everything creepier. DOA4's story movies are still the cringiest, unnecessary shit in all of DOA proper, and those were obviously a product of your boyfriend, Itagaki.
I liked Kasumi's ending, seeing it on YT at age 14 after her story finished made me want to get the game


Premium Donor
Your taste is shit.
Er, sorry: "My opinion is that your opinions have shitty taste."
Doesn't bother me, I'm too depressed to care anyway lol, I've had worse insults flung at me

The best endings in that game imo were Ayane and Helena's tho, Kasumi's just appealed to me since her ending was symbolic of what her fate was is all. If Kasumi is in NG4 I would finally have a reason to try it


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Kasumi wasn't "right" in RE because her moveset sucked and the game sucked. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was Kasumi.
If your suggestion is that Itagaki depicts female characters in a more tasteful fashion than Hayashi I can do little more than laugh. Yes, he was more "protective" of them, but frankly, that just made everything creepier. DOA4's story movies are still the cringiest, unnecessary shit in all of DOA proper, and those were obviously a product of your boyfriend, Itagaki.

Nioh has the most tasteful depictions of women in any TN game thus far. And while yes, that wasn't directed by Hayashi, I see no reason to suspect that NG4 wouldn't be directed by someone else under TN's current team, as well. So I'm actually relatively optimistic about NG4.

Correction 1: her moveset was not bad in every case/ Correction 2: The game didn't suck, it was an abomination/ Correction 3: It certainly did, the grandmaster was right and she didn't fit in at all. I can say this because unlike you I was a fan of the character at one point.

I'm sorry, but how does being more protective of them make it creepier? A boob was grabbed in the DOA4 ending, and Lei Fang and Hitomi have/had some kind of sexual tension. OH MY GOD so creepy right? And by the way, I loved the balance of the DOA4 arcade endings. There were some fun ones, some bad ass ones and most were included with an awesome track.

It's far better than the PISS POOR attempt at DOA5's production and replay value.


Sure. I'm totally believing you right now that Itagaki was creepier. I will not even mention Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z. Just because Ni-oh was a success doesn't mean I'm overwriting the sins of Hayashi. RIP Ninja Gaiden... we will not see it anytime soon. Feel free to bet against me.

And @KasumiLover69 I will defend you on Kasumi's DOA4 ending. The dream made sense for the character, it was cute and entertaining.


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Thanks for posting the image. I forgot what it looked like. It's easier to read your argument with a big-ass image in the way. Nice.

What makes you say that I was never a fan of the character (Kasumi)?

Hayashi wasn't the lead designer of Yaiba. That would be Keiji Inafune.

How does being protective make you creepy? Well, creepy is subjective, but whenever you get those obsessed, possessive types with their waifus or celebrity crushes I find them pretty fucking creepy. Only difference with Itagaki is that he claims they're like his daughters while he sexualizes them.

Your argument appears to be that Itagaki respects female characters more because he doesn't pointlessly sexualize them as much as Hayashi (lol). But let's look at Ninja Gaiden itself.
NG1: Rachel.
NG2: Rachel again. Er, I mean, "Irene."
NG3: Clothed female who is not a copy-pasted BDSM fantasy.
"Oh, but Rachel is a great character and the one from NG3 isn't." Yeah, sure.

None of this of course really matters if Hayashi isn't the lead designer of NG4, and there's no reason to assume that he will be at this point.


Well-Known Member
I remember seeing this Ninja Gaiden artwork on one of TN's videos about Ninja Gaiden or something that was posted in the Ninja Gaiden General thread.

From this artwork, I feel that Hayate was the one that was supposed to be in NG3RE instead of Kasumi, but due to the fact that Hayate is constantly shitted upon in DOA, Kasumi being a popular character and she's a female, this was probably the reason why Kasumi was in NG3RE instead of Hayate. Of course, this is my opinion and theory.

Still, I actually want to see Hayate in the story of the next Ninja Gaiden, due to the fact that he's never going to have a spotlight in DOA. Of course, just a few seconds cutscene of him doing something cool would suffice, Busa's spotlight should never be stolen.

Anyways, on Rachel and Kasumi, my point still stands.
EDIT : When I said I don't give a fuck about Kasumi, I mean I want her delimbed or decapitated by a fiend, along with Rachel, and that's saying something.

To be honest here, I used to like Rachel, but now I don't. And Kasumi still sucks as always, her attempt to avenge Hayate resulted him in being kidnapped instead.