Nov 30, 2014 at 7:20 PM
I joined a large EU lobby today, Dark_Ky had a win streak at 6 wins, as I joined!
He kept K.O'ing all the french players. M D I was whining calling Dark_Ky a spammer in French.
Dark_Ky's Christie is improving a lot! I lost the first match against his christie. & I really enjoyed watching him play
against the ( "high online ranked players" ) He really did kick some butt there!
2nd match (you can watch in the media section) Dark_ky had a 16 win streak!!! I was honestly quite impressed that he made it to 16 wins as he played against "star rank" Genfu,Christine.
GGs @@Dark_Ky I'm looking forward to see how much your Chistine has improved within 3months!
Extremely Good & Dangerous Christine I ever played!