Feb 26, 2023 at 3:20 AM
As we await the Dead or Alive reboot in the future, here's a brief look at DOA's movement options. These applies to both Dead or Alive 6 (DOA6) and Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (DOA5).
If you're having a little difficulty with the FGC notation terminology, check out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlCcAiNLzps&t=110s
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1. Forward-Forward-Back-Back Movement (66-44)
2. Freestep-Block Backstep (FSBB)
3. Korean Backdash Cancelling (KBD)
4. Crouch dashing / Wavedashing
*4 Critical Stun Offensive Routes
#1.) Keep The Stun Going And Launch
#2.) Stun The Opponent And Wait (Critical Hold Baiting)
#3.) Set Up a Knockdown
#4.) Stun-Launch
*Throw System
#1.) 5 Frame Throw: Neutral Tick Throw/Breakable
#2.) 7 Frame Throw: Punish Throw (Good forward grapple range)
#3.) 10 Frame Throw: Secondary Punish Throw
#4.) 12 Frame Throw: Hold Punish Throw
For Directional Notation:
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
Each number represents the corresponding direction. 1 for "Down-Back", 9 for "Up-Forward", 5 for "Neutral" or no input, etc. Quarter-Circle Back = 214, Quarter-Circle Forward = 236, Half-Circle Back = 63214, Half-Circle Forward = 41236, etc.
CH = Counter-Hit
BT = Backturned Stance
W! = Wall Splat
DZ! = Dangerzone Splat
SDS! = Sit Down Stun
FB! = Floor Bounce
CA! = Citizen Assist
For Input commands:
P = Punch
K = Kick
H = Hold/Guard Button
T = Throw Button
S = Special Button
P+K = Strong punch
H+K = Strong Kick
H+P = Alternate Way to Input "Throw"
H+P+K = Alternate Way to Input "S"
Check out the TopTierTips Guide Series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFIZOxrRW44&list=PLV4Z7LoRwodBYCiMNOVwLGY75qkNNlNTv&index=2&t=1s
Here are the DOA6 character guides: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV4Z7LoRwodCADdouGiwSnK9XNUS1LleT
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & RATE for more DOA6 goodness! ;-)
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