DOA5LR - Honoka Environmental/Stage Combo Video

This is probably the most impressive Honoka combo video I've ever watched. Amazing work!
i dont like this cunt but I watched this from beginning to end. (: good shit dude
Damn, this was amazing!! I think your editing is fine!! :D You taught me something!
Now I really want to make an environmental combo video of my own haha


Jan 7, 2016 at 1:43 PM
Posted by Nikotsumi
~ Yaru zo ~ :honoka:
Hi everyone, i finally did it! As the title suggests, in this video you'll find stage-related combos for Honoka!!!

Notes :
- 1=Down+back ; 2=Down ; 3=Down+forward ; 4=Back ; 6=Forward ; 7=Up+back ; 8=Up ; 9=Up+forward ; CB=Critical Burst ; F=Featherweight ; H=Heavyweight ; M=Middleweight ; L=Lightweight

-All the hits of combos from 6:13 to 6:31 can be held if the "Slow Escape" option is set to "Fastest"

-The damage of the combos from 7:35 to 7:54 depends on whether the second hit of 66P+K hits or not.

-The wall+object setups from 9:08 to 10:07 work on every weight class. "Setup Damage" = Damage before the launcher. After the object falls on the opponent, you can follow up with anything you want.

-"The Danger Zone" stage is not included because i've already made a video for this stage.

(Sorry for my poor editing skills)

Hope you like it! c:

Music used :
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round - Our Little Secret
Dead or Alive 5 - The Way Is Known
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