He didn't really focus on the complete noob when he did his tutorial, while these guys are. It would seem, though, that they're teaching her wrong. But what would i know? I play it, didn't make it. =p
where we y'all bitches when Emperor Cow did this shit years ago? like seriously if new comers want to learn no-one will say "Look at the official series because they focus early on on combos" they'll be like "There is this great series that teaches you the importance of free canceling, stagger escaping and other tools that most people fail to capitalize on"

good day to you.
Soon to be 2 down, how many more before LR hits? How many more after?
Looks like she's just going to be a combo hoe. There's more to the game than just combos, and they should know that.
Uhhuh, Brianna's gunna learn some CB setups. She's gunna be ready to beat up some scrubs soon! =P


Feb 6, 2015 at 11:23 AM
Posted by Project Bokuho
A new episode of Get Ready Fight hits next Tuesday! Catch the first episode here and let us know what you think:
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