Any Tag Team tips?

I seem doing br doing pretty alright in the Tag Team Arcade mode...doing much better than I do in Solo Arcade at least. I like to use Mila and Eliot, using Elioy first to strike with fast attacks to get the opponent's guard down then come in with more power with Mila. But is there anything about Tag Team I should know about? Any secret techniques of some kind that don't show up in the command list or that doesn't show in the tutorial? So far I've managed to get through Normal difficulty (haven't tried Hard yet, will try when I get home from school) and I just want to know if there is anything I can do that will help me out.

And about training, I go through command training twice daily with both characters I use to help memorize their moves so I think I may (big emphasis on "may") be alright with the training.


Well-Known Member
Take advantage of the fact that every mode has 0 recovery frames in tag. Also unless they patched it out you can't SE sit down stuns, so those give you free launch/CB