System Is there a name to this fall animation?


Active Member

(Gif shows fall animation caused by :rig::6::6::P: on counter-hit and :helena::6::K::K: on counter-hit)

This fall animation is different to most other animations in a way that its window for entering techroll is short and if you missed it you can't buffer wake-up, nearly guaranteeing a forcetech with right setup.

Does this animation has a name?

I used to refer to it as "hard knock-down", as I once heard Master said that term - but frankly I'm not sure if he was talking about this fall animation or something else.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
No, I do not believe it has a common name.

Hard knock-down would be a knockdown that is not able to be teched-up. It is the name of a property of any knock-down animation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah that knock down is pretty good.

If you don't quick tech it before you hit the ground then you'l be vulnerable on the ground for a brief window.... its easily confirmable.... I've seen @Rojikku make good use of it in Summer Jam..... or was it Final Round.....

I don't remember but its definitely with knowing how you can Initiate it.... I'm pretty sure every Character can pull it off by exceeding the Stun Threshold with the right move but some characters can perform it in Juggles. Like Leifang's :P::2::P::2::K:.... Eliot's :2::H+K: and Tina's:6::6::P::P::K:.

Use it to maintain pressure on your opponent. ;)


Well-Known Member
not a real answer but tutorial lesson 7.4 calls it Critical Finish
animation ID is 8794 lul
most of the stun/hitstun animations weren't given a real name anyway
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Active Member
I believe "Critical Finish" is what happens when you repeat same move twice (or rather land same active frames group, as you previously showed with Hayabusa's double hit move) on a stunned opponent, and also when you exceed stun threshold with a move that otherwise would keep opponent "standing" (with exception of CB).

animation ID is 8794 lul

Since you mentioned move's in-game id, is it the same for Rig's 66P on counter hit and Helena's 6KK on counter-hit? As in video editor they appear to be slightly different. I wonder if they actually use different animation or just interpolate between two.


Well-Known Member
they're different animations good catch

Helena CH 6KK causes animation ID 8825 to the opponent - 60 frames (Recovery OFF) - can Back and Side Tech Roll
Rig CH 66P causes animation ID 8794 to the opponent - 70 frames (Recovery OFF) - can only Back Tech Roll