Team Ninja need to FIX CPU AI


Active Member
Honeycam 2019-12-03 20-17-00.gif

WTF is momiji doing?
the cpu momiji using side attack over and over and over and over and over and over.
I raelly hate doa6's cpu ai.

all - using break hold when they just stun, NEVER USE THEIR NEW MOVES AT ALL.
leifang - spam ssss over and over
momiji - side step/attack over and over even she has no gauge. ( I saw that on doa5. doa5 momiji doing side attack often too)
raidou - using deleted move. (214p)
kokoro - never use side attack, ssss, break blow. (using break hold well)
kasumi - spam 33t (kasumi vs kasumi is a joke. they using 33p over and over)
mila - trying to use CRITICAL BURST like doa5.
brad - trying to use CRITICAL BURST like doa5.

wtf team ninja.
What The puck is that.

They need to... no.. They must FIX CPU AI. because nothing can learn about cpu.
I learned so many things from cpu in doa5. but in doa6.. no.
they just annoying things.
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Well-Known Member
Also christie constantly using her running low kick whenever theres any distance between you and her, and hayabusa constantly using the upside down kick into the punch


Premium Donor
I think it's intentional, the AI always have habits good or bad that you have to use against them to win, you can actually learn that way like using tracking attacks against Momiji, low throw punishing Christie and Hayate when they use those spammed moves on wake up, and just learning to react to the mid punch strikes of brad and mila.

Honoka also likes to use the same stance set up over and over amd she's too quick to use her 2K ground attack and her heavy ground attack when you're prone on the ground which is really easy to punish. Phase will ss even when she has no meter and Jann likes to go for his low OH alot too or his dragon kick


Well-Known Member
Yes the AI in this game is very predictable. The worst is probably Mila; you can win against Mila AI by spamming low throws and nothing else at all, because it does her tackle so often. Such is life.


Well-Known Member
That’s practically every fighting game AI nowadays because they’re putting zero effort into the single player offerings. I highly doubt TN cares either.


Well-Known Member
Ryu's AI always doing hip hop and Tina's guarding down for 6 seconds so you can easily grab her. Helena's AI ending her combos with 1KK buy never connecting and without force techs.

Maybe they will "drastically" change the mechanics soon and record new AIs for everyone.
Practice never seems to pay off offline because the AI’s are brain dead. It feels entirely different fighting someone several ranks beneath you online. Even at the highest difficulty, the AI seems almost clueless much of the time.

Hopefully, TN does something about this soon.

Sexy Momiji

One thing I noticed about the AI is the inconsistency. Sometimes, you have no problem beating someone, then as they are losing, they go berzerk, and start pummeling away at you, countering your moves. Or when you want them to attack (like in DOA Quest), they take their time before they do. It's still much better than the AI from DOA4, but it has its issues.


Active Member
Honeycam 2020-03-06 19-40-15.gif

They perform break hold 3 TIMES when they have infinite gauge bars.
The ai is really stupid as hell.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Now I see. I suppose if you had it set to CPU with infinite meter, the AI would be wonky like that. But it's likely because it wasn't intentionally designed to act crazy with infinite meters to begin with. CPU would act less weirder without the setting turned on to constantly break hold rapidly.