The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Well, at least we're on the same chapter, if not the same page, ergo there isn't much for me to go over at this time. I do have one major correction for you, however.

OK, let's do this thing.
Good, 'cause I wasn't buying the whole idea of your friend beating you all the time being the sole reason. That would've been disappointing.

I thought I touched on this, it wasn't just the fact he was constantly beating me. It had more to do with the fact that I OD'd on him being so obsessed with the games.

I don't know how consummate of a player you are, but I want to give you a picture of this guy and how much he played these games. When I met him in September of 1996, he at least was in college. He was far from an ideal student. His GPA was 1.95 and the class I was in with him, he got a "D", so the college was putting him on academic probation. They had given him a few chances but he wasn't pulling above the 2.0 required.

His favorite activities were Star Wars movies, watching comedies (dear God, did he watch anything "comedy", especially The Simpsons) and playing the fighting games. When I met him, he spent about 3 hours a day playing these games, often going to the arcade.

The following quarter, he dropped completely out of college, didn't want to look for work and spent all of his time looking for people to mooch off of. If they had a gaming system, great. If they had a few bucks, guess what? He was going down to the arcade.

Eventually he would play these games up to 15 hours a day, the only time he took a break was between 6:30 and 8:00 because he never missed an episode of The Simpsons even if he had seen the episode 1300 times before. (I was already detaching from the show by that time but he added fuel to the fire). I actually had to kick him out of my apartment because I was studying for my final and he wouldn't stop laughing like a hyena over jokes that weren't all that funny on the show.

The real breaking point was when he initially promised to give me a ride to college and then after an hour and a half of playing Street Fighter, he said "Time has no meaning when you're playing Street Fighter". By that time, he was too far gone. I still remember that line because quite frankly, I find it as the ultimate sign of arrogance.

He burned me out on the games, because he was playing so much it wasn't even funny. He didn't want to improve his life. He just wanted to see how many Hadoukens he could perform, how many women he could decapitate and how much better he could be at the game. Like I said, he loved the idea of decapitating women so much he was planning on buying Catfight because of the fact you could decapitate and disembowel women. It didn't matter how crappy the game was, he would play it. I don't know if you're familiar with Time Killers, arguably the worst fighting game other than Shaq Fu, but he played it.

He may not have had the most amount of potential in the world, but what he became was a thousand times worse by the time I got away from him and for a time, I couldn't even look at a fighting game because he would play them so much.


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Standard Donor
Well............... shit. That is a damn good reason you've been on hiatus. I'm not gonna lie to you, if I were born a decade earlier living my college years in the 90s, I probably would've been a victim of Vampire Savior syndrome, seeing that in the mid 90s, I've taken any and every opportunity to play he Darkstalkers series on my spare time as a middle-school / high-school student with good grades as an incentive. Thankfully, that was not the case. Now that you've painted the picture more clearly, growing up in the college years during the arcade era was potentially dangerous. But holy shit, I didn't think he'd take it that far.

Ah, well. At least I can say you got some more level-headed gamers around here, some younger than others.

Nameless Sama

Well-Known Member
......People have always to change everything what good is cause they think they make it better than before........ but they forget that they should really let it...... (in general) Something can make it worse than better......


Active Member

Yeah. That hiatus honestly would have been permanent but as a measure of self-improvement, I've been trying to step out of my comfort zone and try things that I wouldn't normally do, you know, take a few chances in life. I made the decision three months ago that I was going to face and conquer all of my personal demons, things like fighting games, along with other extremely personal idiosyncrasies, so I went looking for a GOOD sexy fighting game (because I do love me some T&A in gaming, along with the most important part -- and I have since I was ~14 years old). I was going to play Girlfight but all the reviews said the same thing -- if I really wanted a good fighting game with sex appeal, go for DoA 5U.

This is my goal, to start getting out of my comfort zone and start doing things again rather than letting people like James define it for me. It's only in the last three months that I've realized the fighting games weren't to blame so I set out to find a good one. If that makes me a troll, I'm sorry, but that's what happened to me and why my hiatus was so long.

Some demons I may never overcome (for instance, I probably won't watch The Simpsons anymore) but some I'm intent on beating. This isn't the first one I'm facing head-on, just the one most relevant to this discussion.

Hoya Destroyer

Well-Known Member
Weird gif from a vid at Gamefaqs...



Well-Known Member
Kokoro mirror matches are ok. Out of all of my mains, I probably have mirror matches vs her the most. It's not as boring as Momiji or Ein when if my opponent knows what they're doing too, we usually end up just sitting there. lol

I think it depends on the mirror match because some characters like Brad are always interesting to see.
see another reason I like Mila and Leon. even if a mirror comes up, opponent usually does rushdown, which I don't.


Active Member
Time Killers? Man, I play Rival Schools. King of kusoge.

You're better off never playing Time Killers. Seriously, that was the dumbest game that ever passed for a fighter. The guys who made Golden Tee tried making a fighter. Before you salivate too much: you can't cut off the legs, there is only one fatality and it's done by pressing all 5 buttons at once, generally unblockable, you can only get away from it by ducking or being out of range, meaning there's virtually no strategy. Anyways, watch at your own risk.



Well-Known Member
A new Darkstalkers/Vampire Savior, Rival Schools/Project Justice, Star Gladiator/Plasma Sword, Powerstone, Cyberbots and maybe a new Pocket Fighter/Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix? I'm down for any of these from Capcom than gazillion versions of Street Fighter IV or Marvel VS Capcom 3.
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