What do you want for NG4?


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There's nothing special about tricking someone with a technique designed for that exact purpose (I did enjoy that scene though).
Got it. Logged for future reference. :D

Now about Ryu getting saved. It's possible. Just look at how they trolled him in NG3's story. I really don't want anyone needing to save anyone because it kills the badass effect, I just said that because it's a way better scenario than TN giving people another reason to think Hayate is weaker than he actually is.
Oh, I know. NG3's writing was terrible. TN really wants to make Ryu seem weaker than we know he is in recent games (Yaiba/NG3). It's actually really annoying.


Active Member
For NG4 I would like the following:
Enemy A.I. more akin to NGB where they actually fight you instead of spamming grab and projectiles. Enough with the rockets! The controls need to be pinpoint responsive and countering should be returned to its former glory. I really like the addition of S.O.B but it needs some tweaking.
A story that embraces the "Japanese-ness" of this franchise. We want sushi, not a Japanese hamburger! The plot is secondary to the gameplay. Cursed swords, demon statues, archfiends and quests for revenge? Sure, sign me up! They tried way too hard in NG3 to make Ryu a lovable superhero. Ryu is not Spiderman.The cursed blade was a good idea but they ruined it by tying it to alchemy and everything that followed. Canna can go die in a lake of fire. Twice.
New enemies/ characters. All the enemies from the first two games have been recycled to death. I'll always be happy to see Muramasa but if I see one more Genshin, I'm gonna cry. There's so much Japanese lore to pull from that using soldiers and robots is just lazy.
A more open world with secret areas/collectibles There's plenty of games set in the city or a factory/laboratory. Be different. Using the Ninja Wall run to find diff areas/items is a great part of the game.
Fix the camera. Zoom out and let me see who I'm fighting! After all this time, I still shouldnt have to play camera man while fighting large groups of enemies. Its second nature now but its still annoying as hell to get hit offscreen constantly.
No swimming levels, kunai climb, or Canna! Unless there is a section where you can stab Canna with a Kunai repeatedly and drown her in the bottom of an ocean, I'd happily play that level!
Single Player Missions!- Co-op is fine, as an option, but the missions need to be balanced for single play as well. I've sunk countless hours into NGB's mission mode but NGS2 and RE's have plenty of missions that are next to impossible to beat solo. This is first and foremost a single player game!
More than anything this series needs to be revitalized with that sense of awe and wonder we all felt when it relaunched on the Xbox. Maybe this series needs to sit on the shelf for awhile for that to happen There's been too much recycling of weapons, enemy's, and concepts from other games lately.
When Ninja Gaiden gets it right, it's the greatest Ninja experience around and there's no game I'd rather play.:hayabusa:


Active Member
In the end, whatever additional character they want to add, I only wish it's going to be a GOOD and meaningful addition.
Something that adds something to the game from a gameplay point of view.

If it has to be something done very quickly which sucks to play as, or a "model swap" with the same moves with some small differences here and there (hello NG3) then I'd rather not have any guest character at all.

A game with Ryu and Hayate as main protagonists (with Ryu obviously taking more spotlight) would be awesome to me, but at that point I'd be demanding very different combat/exploring abilities, different levels (or access to different zones due to their different abilities) and stuff like that.
Kinda like, dunno, Folklore, or Castlevania Bloodlines, or several other games with "dual characters" where playing one or the other really did matter.

But I think we might get a game such as this with Itagaki's "Devil's Third" anyway.


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Oh, I know. NG3's writing was terrible. TN really wants to make Ryu seem weaker than we know he is in recent games (Yaiba/NG3). It's actually really annoying.

if you want to play an unstoppable protagonist then you're playing the wrong series, Ryu has always been that way back since he was getting tranquilized by Irene in the first game.

A story that embraces the "Japanese-ness" of this franchise. We want sushi, not a Japanese hamburger! The plot is secondary to the gameplay. Cursed swords, demon statues, archfiends and quests for revenge? Sure, sign me up! They tried way too hard in NG3 to make Ryu a lovable superhero. Ryu is not Spiderman.The cursed blade was a good idea but they ruined it by tying it to alchemy and everything that followed. Canna can go die in a lake of fire. Twice.

im not even sure what this means what is "Japanese-ness"?


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IDK but in NGB and NG2 he was a killing machine

he is a killing machine but hes not to the point of someone like Dante or Goku where everyone around him might as well take a break and thats honestly something i love about this character. compared to some superheroes that just effortlessly defeat the enemy each adventure feels like a challenge both to the player and Ryu himself.


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Effortlessly defeat each enemy? Dante straight-up loses to Vergil, barely manages to overpower him in their final fight and couldn't stand up to the power of Sparda alone (needing Vergil's help).

Similarly, Ryu struggles in some parts, but in the end, he always overcame each obstacle himself. As he should. Because he is better than everyone else there and they should just sit the fuck down and take a break. Stupid-ass Rachel and Sonia keep roaming off trying to be badass and getting captured and shit. If I'm playing as I badass, I want to overcome my objectives. Why would someone less badass succeed where I couldn't? Why would the game make you play super-hard segments only to steal the satisfaction of accomplishment from you by making you need help/rescuing in a cutscene? Makes no sense.

In NG3/Yaiba, Ryu needs all sorts of help. It's like he's useless on his own without people there to rescue him. It's really annoying.


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Effortlessly defeat each enemy? Dante straight-up loses to Vergil, barely manages to overpower him in their final fight and couldn't stand up to the power of Sparda alone (needing Vergil's help).

he lost to basically himself considering they're twins aside from Vergil, Dante has no trouble doing anything their is no challenge and to me that's completely boring i cant stand OP characters like that.


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he lost to basically himself considering they're twins
I've always found brother rivalries thrilling. Maybe because I have a brother. Either way, great dynamic between them.

aside from Vergil, Dante has no trouble doing anything
Uh, yeah. I just told you that he couldn't beat Arkham by himself. Mundus was also presumably too powerful for him, hence why he had to harness the power of Sparda's avatar in order to defeat him. He had no problems in DMC4 but that's because the enemies were all made sissy enough that Nero could hold his own against them.

their is no challenge and to me that's completely boring i cant stand OP characters like that.
The gameplay is actually quite challenging. It forces you to be a masterful player with mix-ups/style (for style meter), quick reflexes (you die in only a few hits and enemies aren't vulnerable for long), tactical (choose your style/weapons loadout) and knowledgeable (learning what tactics/approaches work on what enemies at what times). DMC3 is much harder than either of the first two Ninja Gaiden games.

And speaking from a canon standpoint and not a gameplay standpoint, if the recent games would stop nerfing Ryu for silly plot devices, Hayabusa would be just as powerful as Dante. Both are are incredibly strong, fast, skilled fighters in hand-to-hand combat and with weaponry, both have weapons with supernatural strength, both are superhuman, etc. The only real difference I can tell is that Dante requires demonic weapons to cast most of his magical abilities, whereas Ryu's are inherent. There's also the fact that Dante's healing factor gives him more immediate endurance. But once killed, it seems that Dante stays dead, whereas Ryu can recover from seemingly fatal injuries with the help of his Falcon Spirit.