New Costumes of Last Round

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Well-Known Member
Hmm, I don't remember that one. Can someone post the original design?

This is the original design, TN recreated it removing the top.


Honestly I would have liked to get it more close to the original (just for making it more different from Hayate's first DLC from DoA5), however I think that the final effect it's not bad and the outfit works. Btw I'm definitely glad that they discarded my outfit, personally I would have hated to get in the game a design of mine that I dislike.

Also, Raidou has 6 outfits (with his c6 presenting grey skin, purple vest and gold cyborg parts). At least TN realized that if they wanted give him at the release only recolors, they could easily include in the game more than the standard number of 3 outfits for the bosses.
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To be completely honest, the costume looks imho really bad in the game. It looks bland, without any kind of detail, the color scheme is off and last but not least the mesh shirt his a little too reminiscent of his C1.
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Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, the costumes looks imho really bad in the game. It looks bland, without any kind of detail, the color scheme is off and last but not least the mesh shirt his a little too reminiscent of his C1.
No, the mesh shirt actually looks like a mesh shirt C1 one mesh hirt looks like a blurry brown mess lol

EDIT: I do agree on teh colour though, the bright yellow pants looks REALLY off would be much better if they were tan or light brown
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Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, the costumes looks imho really bad in the game. It looks bland, without any kind of detail, the color scheme is off and last but not least the mesh shirt his a little too reminiscent of his C1.

I think that the colors are the best if this outfit is thought for being from desertic zones or similar locations even if in themselves could not appear so nice; about the lack of details this is true, but I think that in a similar outfit this is something justified contrarily for example to the lack of detail in an uniform as happened with my design.

However I agree that the mesh shirt resemble his C1, this is another reason because I would have liked to get the top of the design, what IMO was really able to make of the outfit something not already seen in costumes of other characters in game.


Well-Known Member
And then on the 8th day, God decided to give Lisa silver hair for some reason.


In all honesty, I could have been okay if she were to have a new mask than a new hair option. They literally stopped trying with Lisa.

Helena's new hairstyule looks nice.
Costume looked better on paper, but it looks great! Congratz again to the winner.


I find the roses a little baggy. Would have liked it better if the dress and gloves were the same color with the rose hairpieces.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
God decided to give Lisa silver hair for some reason.

Halle Ber-.......erm Storm...

My only complaint is that Helena should have more than one fan-made outfit, because there were so many amazing designs for her. Of course that wouldn't be fair to the other characters :p
Not fair to the other characters?




Well-Known Member
So is there any Video of the Stream already ? Cant wait to see this All in Action :)

But i didnt see any new haircuts for the guys : /

and no new swimwear :(

just curious, what kind of haircuts for the guys were you hoping for?

I have a feeling that they would do the same to the guys as they did to Momiji


Well-Known Member
From what I saw in the preview demo Ryu has no styles at all.

This however COULD change by retail but my guess is it's unlikely

EDIT: btw... isn't there a thread for the new hair? lol we should probably talk about them there
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