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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Soo.............. How about dem DLC costumes?

My beautiful Ayane has 64 costumes! Let's see if TN can get that number up to an even 100! :cool:

(PS, As a FYI, kasumilover69, I think at least one of your previous posts shouldn't be seen on a public forum and would be more suitable for PM or a certain brutish mod may be forced to take action)


Premium Donor

This month's DLC. Coming April 18th, basically Japanese priestess outfits. Marie Rose is currently the only girl shown


Well-Known Member
So I'm guessing it will be different colours for the girls? Marie's looks nice so I hope the rests do. I was hoping for a different type of pack but if its a copy paste then I'm happy its something like this.

Also I'd like to just see how long the thread can go until if/when it gets locked rather than just instantly locking it again.


Well-Known Member
so much DLC that DOA6 better have way more free/default costumes for the characters.

pls team ninja make bayman's kappa outfit his C2

wait scratch that i want custom mode


Premium Donor
Ehh, I'm kinda over the costumes at this point. Hope they're working on DOA6 or something

Unless they do Senran Kagura New Wave costumes. Seeing as Marie Rose, Honoka, and Ayane got added to Senran Kagura Peach Beach Splash, it would be great to see :cool:

Hey Banana, I love the idea of another SK pack but when I was talking to Brute when the thread was closed he said a reason he closed it also was because of speculation stuff like this. I think it's best if we just post this in the SK thread or another one where we can post these so the thread won't get locked and you/no one will get in trouble


Well-Known Member
Hey Banana, I love the idea of another SK pack but when I was talking to Brute when the thread was closed he said a reason he closed it also was because of speculation stuff like this. I think it's best if we just post this in the SK thread or another one where we can post these so the thread won't get locked and you/no one will get in trouble

Oh I didn't know we couldn't speculate on costumes

My bad, moving it now
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