Dead or Alive 6 Trailer (Early 2019)

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Well-Known Member
Aside from guest & Alpha, I see the DOA5LR cast coming back which is about 28.

Maybe characters like Raidou, Gen Fu, Leon, Ein, Momiji, & Rachel could be saved for dlc if they aren’t implemented in the story.

I can see there being 2 brand new males so certain types of players (y’all know what I mean) will get interested in the game.

Idk if they’ll add new girls who’ll make their first appearance from DOA6, since there are 3 DOAXV girls who are likely going to be in the game. Hopefully we’ll get some diversity because majority of the female cast is either Japanese girls or Blonde Caucasian girls.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I don't.

Gay men are over-represented in the DOA community, and I believe that female players relative to other FGs are as well.

I think they’re gonna try to get some in, though yeah I should probably change that to 1 male towards them. The other male I could see being made towards female & gay male players, like Eliot.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Hopefully we’ll get some diversity because majority of the female cast is either Japanese girls or Blonde Caucasian girls.
We do have Lisa/La Mariposa, but....her fate is unknown at the moment. Hopefully the new female character(s) aren't 12 year-olds pretended to be "18" l0l

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Actually, I don't.

Gay men are over-represented in the DOA community, and I believe that female players relative to other FGs are as well.

I agree with Brute on this one. It would only bring on even more dumb controversy when DOA already has that demographic along with females on lock.

I need to stay the hell away from GameFAQs as if I wasn’t on my phone, I would copy and paste the most exceptional misinformation on DOA lately


Well-Known Member
We do have Lisa/La Mariposa, but....her fate is unknown at the moment. Hopefully the new female character(s) aren't 12 year-olds pretended to be "18" l0l

Sorry to the Lisa players, but her play style is the bane of my existence. I've spent hours with her in training and I still can't deal with her in matches.....I'm pretty sure one time a masher beat the crap out of me -_-. Safe to say I won't miss her if she's not in the roster lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you would have since they specifically said the team was actively working.
A lot of people did. And even if it wasn't them saying DOA was dead, the way they handled it was a slap in the face to the fans. Its was open ended and the whole thing was a disrespect-fest! Just my feelings, and I know everyone is sick of flogging this dead horse...
moving on...

I do see this game being less sexualized then DOA5 as for bouncy breast & extremely fetishy outfits like bunny nursing police ligherie.

However no way are they putting fanservice in general out. I’ll be heavily suprised if we don’t get at least 1 swimsuit pack.

And I’m sure there will be something ready for the girls to hype up the preorder.

I agree with this... ALSO:

The bikini outfits, bar one or 2, are sometimes so boring, I don't find the majority of them sexy. Its the outfits that have a bit of skin and show the characters personality that are sexy IMO. Tina's DOA5 C1 for example. Jeans, her hat, gloves and her USA bra. That is what a wrestler would wear.

It was sexy, but when you think about it...
Jann Lee was wearing LESS!
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Can't wait to see Miwa



Well-Known Member
Actually, I don't.

Gay men are over-represented in the DOA community, and I believe that female players relative to other FGs are as well.

Gay men and the entire spectrum of sexuality aren't even represented at all in DOA. Your homophobia is showing.
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Premium Donor
Gay men and the entire spectrum of sexuality aren't even represented at all in DOA. Your homophobia is showing.
It's not about representation. Just because DOA is aimed at a hetero audience doesn't mean bis and gays won't play it for example. Plenty of gays play DOA as well as bis(me!;)) I don't think big tits are just gonna scare gays away, nor will toning down the sexuality instantly draw in alot of gays as a result.

Plus there's guys in DOA and they also pander to gay and bis although arguably not as focused on as the girls, just look at that nasty Raidou and Bass and Eliot and Hayate for example


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Gay men and the entire spectrum of sexuality aren't even represented at all in DOA. Your homophobia is showing.
He’s nowhere near homophobic. Seriously, sit yo ass down and shut the hell up bitch.
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