Kokoro's new moves


Well-Known Member
Here are some new moves from november's trailer :

1) Heichu into mid K:
pick your poison with heichu high P , mid P , low P and mid K => time to abuse those mix up

2) Air Grab : Back turn > :4::P:> :T:> :P+K:
It seems to work like heichu .
- So, could we expect 4 following hits ? (high P, mid P, low P and mid K)
- Does it work for every launcher ?

3) New PB.

4) And a new intro pose, which i like.

To sum up: Not that much but that's more than nothing.
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I'm curious about that air grab and the new Heichu follow ups. However I don't think it'd work for every launcher.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
Down the line I'd like to see Kokoro implement more advanced moves from Baji as she progresses as a martial artist. Something like Black Tiger Baji, which is a higher level form, would be cool to see her pull off, especially that retreating uppercut.



Well-Known Member

This tweet gives more information about her air throw

These are the only new moves I have seen so far
-The air grab heichu
-Break blow/Power blow
-Universal hold
-New mid kick. Looks like it can come straight out of heichu or neutral
-New high kick follow-up after neutral Kick, which I assume makes it a KK combo that hits high both times. (I like this change, the neutral K in DOA5 was really awkward since it didn't directly combo into anything)

Dr PaC

Well-Known Member

This tweet gives more information about her air throw

These are the only new moves I have seen so far
-The air grab heichu
-Break blow/Power blow
-Universal hold
-New mid kick. Looks like it can come straight out of heichu or neutral
-New high kick follow-up after neutral Kick, which I assume makes it a KK combo that hits high both times. (I like this change, the neutral K in DOA5 was really awkward since it didn't directly combo into anything)
Do you think Kokoro can get anything more than a Break Blow or a knock back after her air grab. like a Fatal Rush? I wonder, since Ive only seen single knock back hits so far and no juggles


Well-Known Member
That grab looks really unnatural. They should work on its animation.

That being said, I'm liking the changes. Now that sidestepping is even better than 5, her new circular moves are really important.


Well-Known Member
That grab looks really unnatural. They should work on its animation.

That being said, I'm liking the changes. Now that sidestepping is even better than 5, her new circular moves are really important.
i didnt really notice what exactly what was going on in her air grab until i slowed it down, turns out she's pulling them down into her knee which then causes them to bound. It's definitely a cool move but the animation itself needs a touch up i agree.


Well-Known Member

This is new. I wonder if this tracks also. And the reach is good.

[edit] Maybe it's her former :4::6::P:. we'll see.

About the stun information (critical hit and fatal stun): i have always thought it should be reverse side. The character who is fatalstunned is hayate not kokoro. during a fight, often i miss a CB indication bc i was looking at the wrong side.
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Well-Known Member

This is new. I wonder if this tracks also. And the reach is good.

[edit] Maybe it's her former :4::6::P:. we'll see.

About the stun information (critical hit and fatal stun): i have always thought it should be reverse side. The character who is fatalstunned is hayate not kokoro. during a fight, often i miss a CB indication bc i was looking at the wrong side.

It's the first move of her fatal rush, so it's a new move.

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
That initial move in the fatal rush is a rolling hammer fist that's popular in Bajiquan. She's doing it pretty fast so it might be hard to see, but the elbow of her left arm rolls across Hayate as kind of a check before yanking his guard down and smacking him with her right arm. Baji is big on parries and strikes that happen in one movement.

Also in a way her new air throw is a more realistic (to Baji) use of her Heichu, which is more often done to pull people to the ground (usually as a headlock) rather than the arm grab that's inher moveset already.



Well-Known Member


Premium Donor
It looks like other than what looks like a new throw (same as her existing three chain throw but with a different finisher?) and the fatal moves the stuff I listed earlier are the only new moves Kokoro has (KK, 4K, 4PK into Heichu, and K after Heichu). Has anyone else been able to find anything new?
From what I can see she has a alternate throw option :214::T:>:T:, instead of doing 46T as the ender you can now do :236::T:. That's all I could see from her tho


Well-Known Member
I'm in doubt whether :4::4::P: was in DOA5LR... If it is, I never use it xD To me that's a new move. But yeah, the other ones have already been mentioned. I guess that's it.


Well-Known Member
I'm in doubt whether :4::4::P: was in DOA5LR... If it is, I never use it xD To me that's a new move. But yeah, the other ones have already been mentioned. I guess that's it.

That sabaki is very situationnal and really tough online to execute compared to leifang's one. But when placed correctly it's really satisfaying because it leads to a CB if it connects.

It has 2 uses: sabaki and slight delay.

I placed it against :
- Genfu 3PP works like a charm.
- Hayabusa : They tend to start the round with OH 3P+K H eating every high-mid. But this :4::4::P: starts with delay so it's eating their OH.
- Christie heavy mid.
- Leifang because it's a sabaki match and it's challenging to play the same game. (with the high sabaki :7::P:).
- In general : after a poke to take back priority.

But that move is really difficult to place without a good read because it has a really short activation window.

Moves i can't see effectiveness are:
- :6::P+K:: people can hold low or high to punish kokoro. I use it only to tech up people.
- :236::P+K:: well I would like to use it but damn, she has better option. I don't know how to use it correctly.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes I remember now which move it was. That sabaki to me really is useless. :7::P: is superior in every way, even though it's a high one. Not only is it a sabaki, if you somehow miss the sabaki window, its evasiveness is so good that you won't get hit by the high attack, and even some mid attacks miss.
Kokoro has so many great moves... Why bother using a high risk move if she can easily win without it? If you wanna be fancy against newbies, that's another story xD
I guess Kokoro was already quite the well-rounded character, and they tackled her only weakness, which was her linearity. That was a must considering how powerful the sidesteps are in DOA6.