Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


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Despite the reviews, some players hating the game, and KT just being complete fuck ups... I think DOA6 has done better than expected. Of course we are talking physical sales here which are on decline and have been since before DOA5 came out. Not to mention that people have been failing to bring up the digital deluxe sales which on Steam was purchased more than the base version of the game.

Team NINJA is nailing a lot of the big things. The game is fun to play in a competitive environment plus the tournaments have been fun to spectate as well and in return get great viewership. The problem with DOA6 is missing characters, terrible marketing, horrible DLC (for the price they want) and the content is dripping unbelievably slow for what we are getting in return.

When Rachel, Leon and Momiji come back everything will be right in the world for me. I literally have no problems with the game system, it's the little things that piss me off.


Well-Known Member
Wheres the old DOA with balls... Aerosmith!
now I feel like I'm getting DOA rickrolled



Well-Known Member
Wait wait wait... I'm complaining because the way it was written, I took it as if the characters that GOT a VA change (like Mila) kept the old lines. Ofc I know some voice lines have been here since decades ago lmao, but I'm actually concerned about the ones who got a VA change since it would just be cheap af to have them with different voices depending on the intro/outro. So what is the truth?
You can just listen to the recently released trailer for Rig and Mila.

That is sooooo not Liam O'Brien. lol


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DOA might not be that great, and my expectations of KT andTN couldn’t be any lower (for now), but I do have a little bit of hope left. DOA5 was more popular after they released 5U with more characters, core fighters and more content. I think releasing DOA6 core fighters right after releasing DOA6 was a big mistake. It made people feel like they bought the game for no reason when they could’ve gotten a free version. DOA6 is only doing “worse” now because
1: there’s this SJW vs the BonerCulture political fight going on over female characters getting “covered up”.
2: Shimbori completely fucking up the interviews and sending out mixed signals.
3: the core values situation, even though it gave 6 more publicity, it also made people look at the game like a joke. That moment on stream was hilarious, but very, and I mean very unprofessional.
4: releasing a seasonpass that’s almost twice the price of the base game with disappointing, drip feed content. The only thing that’s really worth buying the seasonpass for right now, is Mai and the other new character.
5: not being able to buy costumes separately if you live in the west and play on PC or PS4, you basically get forced buying costume packs with underwhelming costumes just to get the costume you want for a character.
6: removing tag. Tag has been in DOA games for a while and even though tag was broken in 5, it was fun.
7: Removing Momiji, Rachel and Akiraa. All 3 of them were very popular characters. Which brought in more fans. I hope to see all 3 of them return.
7: Delaying the game for 2 weeks and it still being an unfinished product with lacking costumes, a lot of bugs and other issues. I actually would’ve liked it if the colours were just filters you could slide through in the costume select instead of being separate costumes.
9: Promising lobbies ever since the second beta and not keeping their promise. The lobbies came out a month after the release. They promised for lobbies 3 times and now they released the lobbies, it’s still lacking a lot of stuff they’re adding through updates.
10: The gameplay. DOA6 was even made more easier and mash friendlier than it already was with the S button. The sidestep attack beats most of the characters moves, really limiting how people can approach others that (ab)use the sidestep attack.
11: last but not least, underwhelming story, and 2 boring newcomers. DOA isn’t known for its good storyline, but damn. 6’s story is honestly worse than the story of 5. The new comers also were underwhelming and just boring. Diego is really bland and boring and his gameplay doesn’t make up for it. He’s extremely boring to watch and brings nothing new or exciting to the table. Only thing good about him is that he’s hot. NiCO was a well thought out character, but her being another loli ruins the thought behind her. Even though NiCO has a stereotype anime personality, she does have a nice background story explaining why she is like that and why she did what she did in the story. NiCO is the perfect example of a character with a lot of potential, but poorly executed.

To me these are the reasons why DOA6 is doing worse than 5. I have hope for 6 but I don’t expect much until they released a ultimate version of 6.
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Well-Known Member
what the heck is happening i don't even understand anything anymore lmao were they redubbed, were they not, are these the same VAs, are these the old VAs.......... whAT IS THE TRUTH


Well-Known Member
They probably accidentally left in those placeholder voiceovers. Watch the next patch notes say “new voice lines for certain characters =) “ or something along those lines lolll


Well-Known Member
Wait if they redubbed the lines why are the old VAs in the actual game??? How did this get overlooked?
what the heck is happening i don't even understand anything anymore lmao were they redubbed, were they not, are these the same VAs, are these the old VAs.......... whAT IS THE TRUTH
What's the problem, guys? lol

If the VA reprised their role from DOA5 to 6, they just pulled the voice clip from DOA5. E.G. Honoka (Kira Buckland), Zack (Keith Silverstein), Tina (Kate Higgins), etc.

If the VA replaced someone from DOA5, they re-recorded the line for DOA6. E.G. Rig (from Liam O'Brian to Kyle Hebert), Mila (from ??? to Amber Connor).

If/When they update the game with more of Ryu's or Christie's win poses, they will have re-recorded the English lines as well. The old VAs are not in the game.

The Japanese VAs remained the same, as such, all of the old win poses come with old voice clips from DOA5.

Any questions? lol

Why people use the English voices in these games will always mystify me.
I'm mystified by your mystification. It's not that hard to figure out.
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Well-Known Member
I’m mystified by your mystification of his mystification. The English voices are quite horrible. And that’s an understatement.
Regardless of how you or Brute feel about the voices, it's still not hard to figure out why people would use them. To each their own. Maybe they just want to clearly understand the taunts and such. Maybe they don't think the English is that bad. Etc.


Well-Known Member
What's the problem, guys? lol

If the VA reprised their role from DOA5 to 6, they just pulled the voice clip from DOA5. E.G. Honoka (Kira Buckland), Zack (Keith Silverstein), Tina (Kate Higgins), etc.

If the VA replaced someone from DOA5, they re-recorded the line for DOA6. E.G. Rig (from Liam O'Brian to Kyle Hebert), Mila (from ??? to Amber Connor).
Afaik in the game itself, Rig and Mila still have their old DOA5 English voices with those lines. Hence all the confusion since the trailer has the new re-recorded lines

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Despite the reviews, some players hating the game, and KT just being complete fuck ups... I think DOA6 has done better than expected. Of course we are talking physical sales here which are on decline and have been since before DOA5 came out. Not to mention that people have been failing to bring up the digital deluxe sales which on Steam was purchased more than the base version of the game.

Team NINJA is nailing a lot of the big things. The game is fun to play in a competitive environment plus the tournaments have been fun to spectate as well and in return get great viewership. The problem with DOA6 is missing characters, terrible marketing, horrible DLC (for the price they want) and the content is dripping unbelievably slow for what we are getting in return.

When Rachel, Leon and Momiji come back everything will be right in the world for me. I literally have no problems with the game system, it's the little things that piss me off.

Yeah I thought about this for after looking at somewhere else for their reactions and it hit me:
Not only have they've been pushing Digital WAY more than the Physical Release(To the point people like Emery was pissed that there wasn't no Physical Collector's Edition), some countries was NEVER SHIPPED ANY PHYSICAL COPIES AT ALL!

We legit can't use this to judge how many of the copies of the game are ultimately sold or how many people DL'ed Core Fighters only because KT ultimately never bothered with even giving a reason to buy the physical copies.


Premium Donor
Regardless of how you or Brute feel about the voices, it's still not hard to figure out why people would use them. To each their own. Maybe they just want to clearly understand the taunts and such. Maybe they don't think the English is that bad. Etc.
I like English better since it makes the fights seem more darker and serious with how the VAs scream and shout(I love Kasumi and Phase 4's voices xD), the Japanese VAs sound too stylish for me and don't actually sound like they're fighting more or so than voicing some anime action sequences but they're not bad, I just generally prefer English since it fits more in the game's more gritty tone.

But I feel in general it's based on preference, it's stupid imo to knock a mass amount of people over what voice setting they like, I think that's childish since it shouldn't affect you. I wouldn't mind dual audio tho so some characters like Rachel and Bayman I like in Japanese could speak that while everyone else speaks english
Yeah I thought about this for after looking at somewhere else for their reactions and it hit me:
Not only have they've been pushing Digital WAY more than the Physical Release(To the point people like Emery was pissed that there wasn't no Physical Collector's Edition), some countries was NEVER SHIPPED ANY PHYSICAL COPIES AT ALL!

We legit can't use this to judge how many of the copies of the game are ultimately sold or how many people DL'ed Core Fighters only because KT ultimately never bothered with even giving a reason to buy the physical copies.
Tbh if there was physical editions of the game that included all the deluxe incentives with the preorder I think the game could have sold a bit more, I think people back when the game wasn't out was kinda turned off by the fact they couldn't get all the goods from a regular physical preorder so they werent as enthusiastic to go digital

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
Tbh if there was physical editions of the game that included all the deluxe incentives with the preorder I think the game could have sold a bit more, I think people back when the game wasn't out was kinda turned off by the fact they couldn't get all the goods from a regular physical preorder so they werent as enthusiastic to go digital

I'm not saying that it was a good plan, my point is that they've pushed the Digital and Digital Deluxe Edition extremely hard for everywhere outside of Japan.
Yes, there are definitely some people who was not happy about not getting the Deluxe stuff from any of the physical copies, but the times are ultimately different as people are more used to digital than physical. Not trying to say to go that route ultimately but my point is that we can't use the shipped copies at all to really justify how much the game sold because physical wasn't their focus at all.


Well-Known Member
What's the problem, guys? lol

If the VA reprised their role from DOA5 to 6, they just pulled the voice clip from DOA5. E.G. Honoka (Kira Buckland), Zack (Keith Silverstein), Tina (Kate Higgins), etc.

If the VA replaced someone from DOA5, they re-recorded the line for DOA6. E.G. Rig (from Liam O'Brian to Kyle Hebert), Mila (from ??? to Amber Connor).

If/When they update the game with more of Ryu's or Christie's win poses, they will have re-recorded the English lines as well. The old VAs are not in the game.

The Japanese VAs remained the same, as such, all of the old win poses come with old voice clips from DOA5.

Any questions? lol

I'm mystified by your mystification. It's not that hard to figure out.
You misunderstood, the DOA5 poses in the game STILL have the old VA recordings not the new ones.