Official DOA6 Costume Thread


Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the option. But....duuuuude, not diggin' the glorified censor bar >_>
You can tone down the sexualization of a costume without butchering it
A couple of examples

All I did shrink the v-neck a little and changed the undergarment into shorts.

And with Tina's cowgirl outfit, just use the original DOA4 version

(I know its really not a big deal but still.....aesthetics)


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It's like 1-2 of you are missing the point with that exposure setting, I know it's a setting because no shit sherlock so derp much? The issue (least from the general portion and the actual direction to things) is that the feature can be used as an excuse and a scapegoat trick to use against TN from the damn dweebs that go "TN caters to the SJWs and censors the game!" which TN didn't really, but TN literally gave away their advantage to the people that complain about such things that didn't exist originally.

Personally? I don't give a damn about such a setting since people can use it if they want but again, a pointless feature that probably won't even be used at main events except running tournaments at a christian church or convincing EVO to try and add DOA again when it'll probably be denied once more. Still surprised they took the time to make such a feature when Big E events ran the game no problems including DOA5. DOA is super niche and obviously will never be as big as the other brand FG titles so it's whatever, but once more, what's the point?

Maybe some of you are a little too optimistic? or maybe if TN actually took their time with the game, people in this forum wouldn't be so negative. Me on the other hand, I was always neutral with DOA6 and blown up a lot of people playing this game so if it's there, it's there. Still a useless feature though that despite being an optional setting, just adds fuel to fire when there are more important things at hand than that.
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There are hundreds of game companies that deal with combinations of these same issues, yet some of them are fully capable of producing quality content for a good value.
So you noticed the difference between "hundreds" and "some" yourself? Obviously, failing somewhere seems to be the norm, not the exception, as supported by your own observation. I have bought and played many games in my life, but nearly all of them have some shortcomings and bad issues, being far from perfect.

Mortal Kombat 11 cost the same as DOA6 on release, we pay the exact same amount of money for a fighting game and get far less and we're supposed to just be chill with it?

Of course, the high budget games (like MK XI) come with a better value for money, because they plan to recover their (much higher) cost with many more sales. You will find those games aiming to be quality leader in nearly every genre: GTA, CoD, Uncharted ... etc. It's a gamble that can pay off but can ruin a company as well. IMHO if you really start to make those stretched maximization efforts your starting benchmark, you will have a hard time enjoyying (or buying) anything other than the big budget stuff.

There are dozens of wonderful games out there. I don’t have to put up with a developer and publisher who doesn’t respect its players.

I can't follow. Despite all of its shortcomings and shaky way to handle things, I still love DOA 6 and that's the game I play most of the time. I do not need the feeling to be respected by any producer to enjoy a product. Do you need to know that a musician loves his fanbase before you are able to like his music, really?

...maybe just maybe some people still enjoy the game regardless of its current flaws. It's fine to hate this game but what I dont get is why the constant bitching here?
You're my man. Totally agreed.

...the feature can be used as an excuse and a scapegoat trick to use against TN from the damn dweebs that go "TN caters to the SJWs and censors the game!"

For me this cheaply made censoring option is irrelevant (as long as I do not need to see it in tournament streams at least). But here's my take: Just like I thought the Evo Japan incident was funny ("promise, we are no longer doing the sexualisation, but oops it happened again nonetheless, I'm so sorry"), somehow I think this is kind of a prank, like TN said this time: "you don't want sexualisation, so we catered for you, but -uh-oh- look how ugly the game looks if censored - dare to censor at your own risk. We can do the good-looking thing only with sexualisation. But if you don't want to see the pretty things: Live in your ugly hell".

Anyway, I do not need to be a fanboy of a company to enjoy a game. I like DOA 6 (and 5LR) very much, even if the game has several issues and I disagree with some developments and decisions. It is nonetheless the FG of my choice and in my view still the one-eyed among the blind (true it helps that MK's explicit brutality makes me puke - I detest that gore-spitting extravaganza).


New Member
The game has had it's issues, lobbies and earning costumes have now been fixed. The only thing I still want is individual costume purchases, which doesn't stop me from enjoying playing the game and looking at it positively saves me some money.

This censoring thing for event mode is a non-issue. Everyone won't use it. The only tournament that might is Evo and if anything that would just highlight how stupid they are for enforcing censorship. Like RayBellion said above it feels like a prank. Something they can point to if Evo want to exclude DOA because of the costumes.
Sure the censorship looks bad but that means they didn't spend much time on it, which is good. Asking for individual changes for different costumes that none of us will use anyway is a bad use of their time.


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The game has had it's issues, lobbies and earning costumes have now been fixed. The only thing I still want is individual costume purchases, which doesn't stop me from enjoying playing the game and looking at it positively saves me some money.

This censoring thing for event mode is a non-issue. Everyone won't use it. The only tournament that might is Evo and if anything that would just highlight how stupid they are for enforcing censorship. Like RayBellion said above it feels like a prank. Something they can point to if Evo want to exclude DOA because of the costumes.
Sure the censorship looks bad but that means they didn't spend much time on it, which is good. Asking for individual changes for different costumes that none of us will use anyway is a bad use of their time.

EVO wasn't mad about the costumes, they were mad that Shimbori was zooming in on Nyo-Tengu in a precarious position while two grown ass women were horny as fuck on stage at the same time. I don't have a problem with that, but do you see why EVO might? The EVO partnered side tournament was last year and people seemed to pick the costumes they wanted to pick.

The added clothing to Christie's outfit IMO makes it look better. It's more of a preference thing since people are so fucking concerned. If you see it as a prank, I don't know what to say other than you're fucking delusional and you spend too much time worrying about stupid shit.


Well-Known Member
Got a good look at the new costumes in character select, take away the hats and Tina, lisa and Christie's outfits don't look all that different from what they usually wear. Especially since Tina's costume has an American flag pattern.


Well-Known Member
Dont know if anyone else noticed this but in the latest update they added a toggle feature to make revealing costumes less revealing xD

It basically adds a black ugly bra and short spanx shorts to the costumes. I'm actually here for it tbh, I think it looks cute for Kasumi in her ninja outfits but it looks really bad in costumes that already show a ton of skin xD

LMAO, these are funny. These bras & shorts are high quality costume designs (step aside MK11 Skarlet Default Outfits), these are perfect for someone who doesn't know the existence of age ratings (looking at you ESPN & EVO), and someone who is too embarrassed to the point where seeing cleavage or hips would make them rage quit the entire game forever (assuming they manage to get past event that happen from EVO Japan). Although Event Mode should be renamed to be something more fitting.

In all seriousness, while its nice to have options for something less risque for those who use to begin with. This Event Mode isn't as interesting compare to DOA5+/DOA5U/DOA5LR Breast Physic option, or Fight Angel Clothing Option so I don't see Myself using it since I prefer the costumes as they are. With age ratings, do events like gaming tournaments seriously need stuff like this? Since DOA brand are currently made for people who are 17+.


Premium Donor
LMAO, these are funny. These bras & shorts are high quality costume designs (step aside MK11 Skarlet Default Outfits), these are perfect for someone who doesn't know the existence of age ratings (looking at you ESPN & EVO), and someone who is too embarrassed to the point where seeing cleavage or hips would make them rage quit the entire game forever (assuming they manage to get past event that happen from EVO Japan). Although Event Mode should be renamed to be something more fitting.

In all seriousness, while its nice to have options for something less risque for those who use to begin with. This Event Mode isn't as interesting compare to DOA5+/DOA5U/DOA5LR Breast Physic option, or Fight Angel Clothing Option so I don't see Myself using it since I prefer the costumes as they are. With age ratings, do events like gaming tournaments seriously need stuff like this? Since DOA brand are currently made for people who are 17+.
Same, I won't use it at all since it doesn't really change how revealing the costumes actually are, it makes you pay actually more attention to what they're covering tbh and make you repulse at how poorly done it was xD

If you could actually use it as an in game costume toggle feature in online and other modes and change the colors and if it was more detailed I would actually use it since I think Kasumi with shorts underneath my favorite white and red sleeveless ninja dress minus the bra would be a cool look to make her look like a knock off Sakura from Naruto or like her DOA1 look if she had her low tied hime cut ponytail back. It looks stupid atm with it being worn underneath the girls underwear like how SF3 Karin and Lili's new T7 dress do xD


Well-Known Member
I think this is actually a very smart move of TN. The execution is done poorly but I do think this is a smart choice. This will cause a stir and I think people will defend DOA more instead of crucifying it for sexy costumes.

They could’ve done this for kasumi’s Costume. It would’ve actually looked cool.
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they could change the wee skirt to shorts instead (dont like the black leggings)? or turn it into a miniskirt.

going to look at the censored costumes lol.


Well-Known Member
Same, I won't use it at all since it doesn't really change how revealing the costumes actually are, it makes you pay actually more attention to what they're covering tbh and make you repulse at how poorly done it was xD

If you could actually use it as an in game costume toggle feature in online and other modes and change the colors and if it was more detailed I would actually use it since I think Kasumi with shorts underneath my favorite white and red sleeveless ninja dress minus the bra would be a cool look to make her look like a knock off Sakura from Naruto or like her DOA1 look if she had her low tied hime cut ponytail back. It looks stupid atm with it being worn underneath the girls underwear like how SF3 Karin and Lili's new T7 dress do xD

The funny part is even outfits that are modest if there was cleavage (mainly T-Shirts) you'd still see these black bra covering female tops. This Exposure Feature is nothing more than a band aid for content creators who weren't getting monetized on Youtube. I would mainly prefer to see more costumes from what DOA5 previously had along with recreating ones (like Kasumi's DOA1 default and some costumes) that ever appeared outside from DOA1.


The Real Reason the Exposure Setting exist

Source: DOATEC(DOA6)OFFICIAL twitter via oneangrygamer


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys do u think the same way that the Physics of some Costume Parts is not right ? And looks weird.
Not the same way like on other Costumes =? Other Jackets are moving right in my Opinion (like Nyos,Tina ,Mila ,Hitomi, Eliot, Nico`s Jackets. ,But on some other Costumes there is no movement .
I think they should update this to make it more dynamic and to look as Godd as on the others .

Diegos red leather Jacket should move
Rigs casual green Jacket and the Ribbons should move (i love this Costume:))
Lei Fangs Jacket should move
La Mariposas Ear rings should move =)

Am I too Visual ??? :p


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