She'd be the first apologetic killer in MKX straight up XD
@Brute Lmao, I can just imagine what the blades on her shoes would be used for in that game.. XD
Should've been a guest for MKX instead of DOA5.
Awwh, OMG, you're so adorable, Jaimy! ^_^ I always knew how you truly felt about her! :D
I intentionally let you take the round because that PB melts my heart. I'm finally giving in to my true feelings! n_n

It's a personality style called 'tsundere', for more information read here:
@Jaimy, I'm the best kinda person! :3 Thanks for dropping the combo and letting me have the round, boo. ♥ XD Also, tru, I forgot how much you love Naotora. ;)

@Lavar What are you talking about? Jaimy just looooooooves her.... ^_^ X'DD
Jaimy, I thought you didn't like her. :p If I remember correctly, you said that you like her move set, just not her, right?
You're a horrible person. :(

But you know I love Naotora so I don't really mind that much at all! <3
Lmao, I was screaming when I managed to make that comeback! X'D


Mar 20, 2016 at 12:00 PM
Posted by xDevious
It's not over until it's over! B) Thanks for screwing up that last combo, Jaimy. ♥ It would've been gg if you hit it! XD
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