DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Ver0.75 (Gamescom Build) BAYMAN - COMBO VIDEO

Thanks for the reply, I thought I was going crazy haha, I read the description but didn't think they changed him THAT much ._.
You're doing nothing wrong ... this is ver 0.75 ... they removed alot of baymans untechable knockdowns from juggles that you see in this vid ... Unfortunately ... :( ... Might have to redo him in the future ...
@EMPEROR_COW am I doing something wrong? I can't seem to get the grab to connect after the ground slam in these combos. The opponent isn't landing with their head facing Bayman, and he doesn't seem to ground grab as fast when someone's feet are towards him :-/


Sep 17, 2012 at 9:54 PM
In this combo video I thought of showcasing what a grappler can do for a change. Bayman has a lot moves and strings that lead to untechable knockdowns all guaranteeding ground throws. In addition, he has a good selection of Offensive holds (Throws with Hold properties.. beating out strikes) that make his offense quite deadly. In addition to sitdown stuns, Bayman also has the ability to cause turn around stuns and Limbo stuns all of which guarantee follow ups.

**NOTE: I've been told that some of the untechable situations from air juggles may no longer work in the final build. so some of the ground throws after air juggles may not be guaranteed like in Ver0.75. Bayman changed quite a bit from one build to the next**

I hope you find this video both informative and entertaining.

Thank you!
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