Dead or Alive 6 Kasumi's Go-to Force Techs

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Feb 12, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Posted by KasumiLover
The recent update has given Kasumi and the other casts an easier way to tech the opponent up after either a critical reversal(doing the same mid blow twice in a set up like 3K, 4P, or 6P) or exceeding the critical damage limit. when the opponent knocked backwards, you're able to follow up with the displayed attacks in the video to force them up!

Please note that the opponent can NOT tech up tho or else this will fail and you'll be at a disadvantage depending on what you used, for example you'll be less at a disadvantage if you use 2P and whiff since they teched up, while with 4H+K you'll be at a bigger disadvantage. you can also mix and match different tech ups if they're fast enough, for example you can do 9K into 2P or even a move twice like 4H+K into another 4H+K!
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