Yup, Master's PSN is oMASUTAo
yes, Up, that's master's. Some people create multiple accounts with different names. That said, like Aka. I'm pretty sure it's not him. Probably just a fan who happens to be good at the game.
I'm pretty sure MASTER's PSN name is oMASUTAo or something similar
this is probably someone who just perfected his play style.
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. When I fought Master before, it was like fighting a never ending train of perfect reads and constant pressure. I didn't get that feeling with this guy, but he was still good.
I fought smugmastabusa like three times In a lobby once. Yea, Kokoro got her ass handed to her but I was able to take him out with Christie (barely) and Lisa. I don't think he's master, he just plays the game very well.


Oct 16, 2013 at 7:01 PM
Posted by Brute
Okay, so I ran into this random Hayabusa on PSN and I honestly do not know if it was MASTER or not. Some things they had in common, and some things they didn't (at least from my observations). I'm inclined to think it wasn't, simply because it wasn't his usual PSN ID and because I won this fight (despite dropping my combos left and right). Regardless, he was quite good, even if not as good as Master, and we had a few good fights (he won 2 out of the 3). Normally I don't call out people's screennames without their permission, but this guy's name was "smugmastabusa." Anyway, I'm the one in black, he's the shirtless one. Enjoy.
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