DOA5U Saturday Night Fights [HD]

Haha. I know all bout the voice recording options, Yue. I just choose not to include it during the matches. And while these fellas were busy mashing it up on PS3, I was playing GTA V on the 360 while keeping an eye on things, lol.
Holy crap, I'm in this? lmao Well, it seriously was fun though. XD
Hey D, if you ever considered recording voice chat. I'd recommend setting the game's volume setting to about 12 to 15, and set the chat thingy to your TV. I'm sure you know about "Audacity" you can use that to record your own voice. Just make sure you have a microphone for your PC. I know I had to put mine far away from my jet engine of a laptop lol.


Oct 1, 2013 at 4:46 AM
Posted by D Glock
Here are the PS3 match videos from this past weekend's Saturday Night Fights.

See you guys again this Saturday, and hopefully I'll have some worthy 360 footage to record. No 360 matches from last weekend.
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