DoA5U (Xbox 360) Akira (Galen The Wise) Vs. Lei Fang (Random) Lobby match

It is. I'm afraid of even doing some of my combos because I'm afraid I'll drop them and lose out on free damage.
I can see the difference in your movement and combos. Not as fluid as you used to be. Is the buffer system really that bad now?
The 1.02 patch still isn't up for Xbox yet? Well, there goes my motivation to get on tonight. >_<
The double diagonals were slightly annoying in Vanilla but are even more annoying now. Shimbori is just catering to almost everything the Japanese players want. And hopefully. But they have their hands full right now with getting XBL the patch, and fixing numerous problems with this game. Like the buggy walls. Or a glitch involving Leon where the camera breaks on round 1. So many things wrong with this game it's just infuriating.
Galen, the input buffer was deliberately tightened (especially for double diagonals) with to be optimized for arcade sticks. My guess is that it was to get Japanese players (and some US players) ready for the arcade version due in the winter. Perhaps if enough noise is made on twitter, we can get dipswitch settings for input buffering.
Definitely on the same boat there. The buffer system is ridiculous on this game to the point that it annoys me.
No. I have one but don't use. I always use pad. And the buffering was so much easier in Vanilla DoA. Now, it's super annoying.
The buffer system in this game is fucking stupid. I can't depend on my combos half the time anymore because of it.
The buffer motions gotten a bit harsh, It bothers me from time to time as well.


Sep 14, 2013 at 8:40 PM
Posted by Incognito
Lobby match.
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