Dragon Guide - Jann Lee In-Depth DOA6 Guide | Part 1 (Neutral/General Strategy)

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Nov 16, 2019 at 3:07 PM
Posted by Darkslay
It is finally here! It's been long overdue, I explain the reasoning behind this delay in the video somewhat, but still, I really appreciate all of those of you who waited and were excited for the release, you guys are the best.

This time things will be very different. There will a number of educational videos focusing on a specific subject related to Jann Lee in DOA6. Instead of clumpling everything into a single video, this will make it easier to focus and introduce knowledge on a single aspect more effectively.

Head to the FSD companion thread for the written version of the guide and potential discussion: https://www.freestepdodge.com/threads/dragon-guide-jann-lee-in-depth-doa6-guide.8652/

Join the JL Discord server for further info and tech from some of the best Jann Lee players in the community: https://discord.gg/Zq9z5Pa

Thank you, all of the JL community and those patient enough to deal with my crap. Hopefully I can put these out more frequently, haha.

I do not own any of the content used in this video, all rights reserved to the respective owners.
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