TEKKEN 7 Rage Arts/PowerBlow movie

Reasons to get a PS4 or Xbox One number 5.
this is probably a prototype for when they make tekken vs street fighter since that game is still rumored to be made..yea they do kinda look like power blows in a sense but i think they're testing the waters for supers in tvsf but thats just my opinion
Lmao this looks more SCV/SF to me than DOA.
King be like 1:10 you're watching DOA?This is what gon' happen to you if you don't get your shit right.But for real tho,this is like a big fuck you to TN, even the camera angles at the end of the supers are somehow DOA ish
was expecting more from my babu lili but still beautiful <3
Can't believe they're dumbing down this game for a bunch of lazy scrubs that aren't even Tekken players. They're gonna have to learn how to play eventually & when that happens, they'll quit & go back to SF. What a waste of time.
Remember that it's a very early build, they may change it.


Oct 4, 2014 at 6:41 AM
Posted by Princess Kasumi
Rage Arts
heihachi mishima, katarina, feng, asuka, alisa, king, lars
lili, claudio, dragunov, leo, kazuya mishima

(steve, paul, xiaoyu, hwoarang)
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