Akira - How To Fight Christie

Here's a really good tip for all players should be aware, yes wave/Korean back dash(which ever you want to call it), is most important for a spacing neutral game and chara's like Christie who have long string's can be punish on counter strike and side step. Look for those openings but the most important one is throw interrupt her strings with low based (OH) holds chara's like Leon and mila and others have these type of throws and yes they do also tracking. Christie has a lot of strings with "crouch" animation even her "rolls" even if you miss the low catch, your state of chara's animation avoids all high's and some mid's. surprising but true I punish a lot of Christie online with this method and it works all the time and yes I do have a high win ratio against Christie. side note also don't worry to much about her damage output like pai on regular hit its OK, but on counter its a bit of a nightmare usually other higher damage output chara's can fairly catch up very quickly, its all in the mind games, don't panic.
Now witness everyone continue to bitch about her after you've given some really good matchup advice on how to beat her. I would say that this extends beyond Akira.


Dec 2, 2014 at 8:11 PM
Posted by Sly Bass
Here are a handful of solid tips to help you make better decisions when fighting Christie.
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