Here's a good one JusTheBest and others that would like to try it.

Do this in Lost World with 2 Jacky facing each other with the ledge towards the screen. Do it on startup and enjoy.
If that Jacky PL trade ever happens in a match I will die.
Yeah, if 2 attacks connect on the same frame and do the same damage, they'll trade. You were having both characters do the same move so naturally the hit reaction would be identical lol. But yeaaaahhhh, the video should've been just the Jackys PL'ing each other LMAO.
Lol, the "YEEEEAAAAAHHH!" just made the PL trade that much more awesome. @iHaijinShinobi Really? That's interesting. I just find it funny to see the same attack trade lol.
The Power Launcher one was humorous. But yeah, "any" strike of the exact same speed AND damage will trade at neutral frames (or enough frames to make one strike the same speed as long the damage is equal).
LMAO at the Jacky somersaults xDDD that was amazing


Jan 9, 2015 at 11:05 AM
Posted by JusTheBest29
Me and some friends goofing arund with moves trying to make them trade. I may make another one with more attacks but this is it for now.
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