So you guys are avoiding the games and worrying about the announcer??? o_O

I should Izuna drop every single one of you LOL. (joking)
Yeah I agree, the announcer sounds retarded -_-
Is... is the announcer a computer generated voice?
MadWorld my looooooove~ <3
And I agree with Adam. This announcer was bland as heck ._.
Ninja "Gayden" "Rayu hayabusa" "Kratus" T_T lol

Horrible announcer, sounds like she doesn't know wth she is talking about and is reading off a script with the random pauses in her speech.


Jun 9, 2013 at 10:40 PM
Posted by Chaos
This top 5 is about the bloodiest games ever made. Now bloodiest doesn't necessary mean most violent. We are rating the games on this list purely on the amount of blood spilled. The more red stuff, the better. Get ready for the Top 5 Bloodiest Games of all time!

5. - Ninja Gaiden series

Arterial spray fest Ninja Gaiden sits comfortably on the number 5 spot on this list. This franchise is hard as hell but thankfully it rewards every kill with tons of blood. Every successful hit with the katana of Ryu Hayabusa results in satisfying red mist.

4. - God of War series

The God of War series has been drenched in blood since the first game on the Playstation 2. Kratos shows his epic strength as he literally rips his enemies apart spilling loads and loads of blood. This badass has spilled enough blood to fill entire swimming pools. And it doesn't look like his thirst for blood will end any time soon.

3. - Mortal Kombat series

If you make a video about blood in games you simply have to mentioning Mortal Kombat. This fighting series has been providing gamers with extremely bloody fatalities since 1992. Who doesn't remember the famous urban legend about a blood code for the Super Nintendo version. It shows that Mortal Kombat and blood go together like peanut butter and jelly

2. - MadWorld

One of the bloody games ever created came out on one of the most children friendly consoles ever created. MadWorld for the Nintendo Wii lets you kill for fun as you paint the black and white environments red. The executions in this game are a joy to watch. Using your chainsaw is boring compared to throwing your opponents into meat grinders and spikes!

1. - Splatterhouse series

The number one spot of this top five goes to an action game that truly lives up to its name. Splatterhouse. The blood is this game is actually useful as it powers the main character Rick. You can slice enemies apart or paint the screen red with a splashing Splatter Kill. Check out this series if you want to see buckets upon buckets of blood.

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