MGSV: The Phantom Pain (E3 2013 TRAILER!)

MGS5 is running in 60fps.....oh yeah! o_O
Okay, due to Youtube not being recognized for some reason I have replaced the previous video with the full extended cut of the MGSV:phantom Pain Trailer. This is rated M for a reason people.
The wheels are turning in my head and I am probably gonna end up doing an analysis of everything we have for TPP at some point.
Longer trailer at some point today, it's going to be 9 minutes long. I'm trying my best not to tear this trailer and the past ones apart (Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain were combined into Phantom Pain) to put details together. I can already see how "Diamond Dogs" got it's name, how the plot this time around is about Race and Revenge, and connections characters may have with others, I'm guessing Quiet has something to do with Sniper Wolf (her mother maybe?) and the kid Eli is Liquid. I think Solidus made a very brief appearance (as he was involved in Liberia around that time) at 5:05 and 5:12. I want to think that the kid Big Boss is strangling is The Boss' son but that is just getting way too ahead of myself.


Jun 10, 2013 at 8:19 PM
Posted by XZero264
The only game series that I love more than DOA. Hideo Kojima's latest project coming to PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

WARNING: Contains extreme content.
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