Leon Inescapable Kill Combo - Danger Zone

You are right, sorry I made a mistake. I confused myself with the value of the health bar that some time ago people were arguing to want get back (the 240 setting).

And yes, the refilling of the health bar in the training mode can mislead.
In a kill combo you want to deal a minimum of 300 points for it to be considered a kill combo. I have a combo that does exactly 300 in DZ that i can post later but in training the health bar visuals can be very misleading so you want to pay more attention to the number values.
And as far as I'm aware you can't modify health values in training and always are ay a default health value.
Normal health is 300 points. In training mode if you don't do damage in a couple seconds the health bar starts to refill (I did this in training and recorded with my PS4. I never play with inputs or data down because that is just plain annoying and i can't stand videos of matches with those).
In an official game the (and in ranked online), your life bar is setted to 240 life points and this combo performed a damage of 306.

XZero for his training used the highest setting possible for the life and for this reason you don't see all the bar of the opponent disappear.
How is that a kill combo?
From what I know the only problem is that the ground platforms on Danger Zone are random (contrarily for example to Lost World) so you can never know with certainty what you will get later, if a full blue platform or a full green one (I belive the only rule is that the platforms can't be immediately repeated).

Anyway this is very close to be a guaranteed kill combo!


Feb 20, 2015 at 1:14 AM
Posted by XZero264
If you can get a fully charged P+KT and slam an opponent into the green zones in Danger Zone you are damn near guaranteed to get a kill combo on all characters except Super Heavyweights.
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