J2S Presents: Exposed EP1 (Read Below)

This was the closest game GaGa's gotten so far and me being the nice guy, I decided I uploaded his best match he's ever gotten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGH02nnRfnE

But yeah, I don't do any of those exposing things since that makes me more of a evil troll to do it.
Oh this dude GaGa. You should of seen the beating I provided with Leon and Raidou on him. That textbox rant of his was delicious, I would like to thank GaGa for providing me a 32ws and whining about the retribution I provided.
@Chapstick I would love to show you the messages, there was no mic feed, Gaga just got salty and left after these matches.
Yeah I would have loved to see some messages or have heard a mic during the matches
We all know that leeloo is salty lol it's nothing new. Same with my salt, although I generally don't do it over psn.
Cool matches. I feel like you should include messages if possible. To add more validity.
Great matches by the way, it's just a shame when the skill of the opponent are not equal to his good attitude.
Given the description, that sounds like a player actually worth exposing.

Thanks for the info.


Apr 2, 2015 at 2:43 PM
Posted by J2S
Gaga, very solid player but extremely racist and homophobic, from calling me a nigger, fag, monkey, death threats, and hoping I get murdered by a police officer. Beautiful isn't it ? I love DOA !

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