DoA5 (Xbox 360) Bass (Galen The Wise) Vs. Jann Lee (Random scrub) Lobby match

I've fought someone who was way more scrubby than this Jannlee player. o_O
  • Raansu

I knew you saved this reply. That guy was getting heated in the chat, especially after he lost to everyone in the room and I told him no to a FT5. Good times in a lobby lol.
It is scary I finished my Tina guide so prepare for a wall of text should be appearing in the Tina forums sometime this weekend. That is if I don't go to this San Mateo event today. I hope I can make it today I wanna meat Peachy0.
So am I lol. And yes! That tis' the greatness that is Bass. The entire match is a 50/50. And when I do get you down, you should be shaking. 99+ damage with untechables and frame advantage off force tech. Scury.
Yeah I'm sorry my eyes had to read that post of yours. You gotta teach me Bass I like the part where you had him fearing a -3 guard break. Oh wait that was the whole video.
With that* Jesus my grammar is atrocious..
0.o.............. Our skill standards are pretty damn high. People who do that constantly build themselves like reputations so everyone knows how to deal with them. If you guys on PSN have to deal with on a regular basis then.... I'm so sorry.
Man you guys on the Xbox's idea of a scrub is a lot different from PS3. We call someone like that on PS3 a regular. lol
Oh no, he is. That's his main. My Bass was two days old on that day. He just plays under a strict assumption. Do something stupid on block, hold. Predictable.
He wasn't that scrubby... just textbook JL.

DAT BASS THOUGH. I always love to see good Bass because once that train gets rolling, it's not gunna be without a huge cost to his opponent.


Jun 22, 2013 at 6:36 AM
Posted by Incognito
Lobby match.
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