Why doesn't Kasumi have this?

Yeah, I remember reading in the DOA5LR patch notes that Kasumi was gonna get that move and I guess they meant the CPU was gonna get it. Lol.
I don't understand why we can't get them as well? :/
That looks like the pre-patch vanilla (Raw no update) CPU move. Although, it would of made Kasumi worse unless she was granted a +14/+16 GB duration for it since it's super slow. +1 is too unlikely for it.

A lot of characters have CPU moves and changes that are not usable for players. Akira, Pai, Bass, Ayane, Zack, Eliot, Gen Fu and so on.)

Here's one for Akira with a CPU-only move that is a true 50/50. It totally beats the one that has a grab animation while this one is within a stun. I would totally replace the other since it's not entirely useful at all, but this one totally beats out the old one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXUma92Y3J4


Jul 29, 2015 at 4:33 PM
Posted by panicitstylor
I would really like to know, why the Ai has this Guard Break. I believe it said it was +1? I'm not sure.

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