DOA5 Friendship Lobby! (2/4)

@Sly Bass So true. I start to realize that about 3P. I was doing not so well in the lobbies, infact everything I did was just bothering me with these matches. I think Ghostly-J knows what I mean on having games where I just don't know what I'm doing anymore lol.

Also for 236p, P. I tend to use it on the left side because for some odd reason when I try to commence 246p on left, 46P comes out instead so it definitely has to be my timing on that part.

Thank you Sly :). I'll keep up the work with Akira.

@Lagstab The blue names are the people that are using mics speaking.
What's up with the blue names
What's up with the blue names
Also, stay safe on countering an opponent who might be blocking after an unsafe string. 3P leaves you at a disadvantage on block and normal hit. P, 2P, or 66P are your best options if you're going to try to open them up. If you have a strong hunch they will be blocking, counter with a guard break.
Just a quick tip, 246P does more damage than 236P, P. 236P, P is a very good frame trap as it leaves you at 0. It is also very effective in closing distance. Good work on Akira!


Jul 3, 2013 at 9:30 AM
Posted by DestructionBomb
Fun games with friends. (Again this is only a test to see how our lobbies turn out.)
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