DOA5LR Offline Session #3 KASUMI (Force of Nature) vs RACHEL. Brawl on the Beach!

LOL xD I cant tel yah everything :) but ill help yah out
Yeah, 3PPP+KT deals 1 damage more than 6PP~T~9P~6KP though it sets up slightly better oki. 3PPP+KT dumping someone into a corner is amazing though since they'll be unable to back-tech away easily. 4K & 4PP were the go to footsie pokes that I recommended to him. 2H+K/PP2K are decent enough too. But sure, feel free to render some Fiend Hunter tech for me Star ;)! #onlyhuman
Rachel's max damage is 3PPP+KT is max but 6PP,T,9P,6KP can be used to keep pressure. Personally, I always go for max damage since her damage is amazing. Also you can poke with H+K its quick and safe on block but its a high ;C of course the regular 4K,4P & 2H+K but when i use her I generally go for stomp set ups that leave me safe or neutral on block i can give you those set ups if hes interested :D *PS I got lazy with sentence structure after awhile xD enjoy my run on sentence* :D :D :D
What's max damage after 41236T Star? To be fair I was generally avoiding his grab attempts in the set overall so that could possibly be why he was apprehensive from grab-spamming more. What's good for poking? He does try to utilize 4K, which seems awesome. Thanks for the tips buddy!
The Rachel player should also go for max damage after 41236T & Mid K holds since they could of killed you with them multiple times. Also i feel they should grab alot more since that was lacking but other than that they just have to leave oki & poking and they should be A ok.
It also takes Rachel 2 frames to strike also making it "-2" to her anyway. It's not exactly punishable but Rachel isn't exactly at advantage either against someone faster. The whole "respect people until they're done their turn" thing applies to any Super Heavyweight or slower character in general, unless they're like Helena and just crush everything Lolz. As for Kasumi, she's essentially an unsafe rushdown character.
it takes 2 frames for a strike to come out so basically it's neutral due to the fuckery of the frame data. The main issue is with rachel is has to respect people until their done their turn. After kasumi does something slightly negative and you know when she's done, that's when you attack basically.
Thanks for the tips dude! He did make use of 4K & PP2K regularly during the set, and knows 66K is +1. 6PKP is actually -2 along with P+K. I also told him that PPP & 236P are pretty good moves due to being very safe on block. Oki is indeed particularly important for Rachel's offense. His biggest difficulties seem to come from feeling "helpless" against Kasumi sometimes and getting a bit flustered when not at an advantage.
Matchup is basically keep kasumi out , rachel's pokes are slightly better then hers because kasumi can really bully her. After getting a stray hit, try converting off it to oki and that's when rachel can get her offense started. Rachel should be played slightly out of kasumi's face and i hope that helps.
Tips: pp2k, 3pp as a frame trap when the 2k hits, 4k is really good for keep out and qcf+p since he doesn't seem to know that. Also 66k is good. Standard oki off a knockdown is 4p/66t which is really good after a tech. Her sidestep is really good, he should use that more. Also rachel has really good mid strings such 6pkp(0 on block) and 3ppp which is really delayable. Also her 1p should be used more if you're being too aggressive and that 1p/launch throw set up works very well.


Nov 8, 2015 at 11:43 PM
Posted by Force_of_Nature
The next offline sparring session with my buddy. He's trying his hand at Rachel here. Not too shabby with her if I may say so myself. Though, I find that Kasumi can give him a bit of trouble overall. Any tips to help out in that match-up? Cheers! Also Fireworks is a pretty nice stage isn't it?
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