DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round Me(Naotora) vs. Jacky Bryant

Lol, I had to apologize Force XD. No one likes eating a raw hi counter throw :-(
DOA5's replay system has always been fucked up. Liked the timing of that taunt at the end lol.
It was definitely something, but strangely enough it didn't really lag at all..maybe once but other than that it was smooth. 0_o The only other time this kind of happens is on the forest stage for me, but then again everyone knows it lags bad on that stage XD
Damn, must have been some serious lag to mess up the replay like that. I've had stuff like that too a couple times. I hear its cause the replay uploader only memorizes your inputs rather than recording the actual match.


Jul 13, 2016 at 9:06 PM
Posted by KasumiLover
A lobby match from a loooonnnnggg while ago that i didn't upload XD. This was against a skilled Jacky player from Render-sensei's lobby, and i was surprisingly able to hold my own comfortably. 0_o Pardon the final match glitch, That throw was supposed to have properly shown the KO but a lag issue ensued and didn't properly show the damage, explaining that slight pause in round 3 where neither of us moved.... even though we actually did in our actual match. Either way GGs Jacky player!

DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round!/en-us/tid=CUSA01627_00
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