DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round: Low wake-up kick is actually a force tech?!

I didn't know Jackys low hold put them both on the ground at all, I guess I've never seen a Jacky player do that at all XD
It's not entirely useful however, not even Jacky's version is useful either since it's relying on luck and timing for anything.
Pick Jacky and have him do a low hold on kicks. Nereus on FSD back then on Ultimate found this out by testing hold damage, so it should be obvious the entire cast universal WUK can do this, however he is the only character by far who has access to a downed state from a hold to perform WUKs (Sarah has her version in Tag only). In fact, he is the only character to have an unholdable WUK when the opponent chooses to get up (has to be timed only) but you can also enable a low WUK as well should the opponent choose to stay on the ground to tech them up.
I'm not sure if Kasumi's does (like Alpha's 7K force techs but Kasumi's doesn't even though it did in DOAD iirc) but I think Hayate's might
0_o.....That means Kasumi, Phase, and Lisa's could force tech too...well, in the rare instance that the opportunity could present itself XD
Alpha's WUK is too


Aug 3, 2016 at 3:50 PM
Posted by KasumiLover
Was doing a quick arcade run and apparently a low wake-up kick would count as a force tech... I'm guessing in the slim chance that both players floor each other, this can be used as a way to KO an opponent who strangely is not getting ul. Seems very rare although two Zacks and Brads in a mirror match might have a better chance of this occurring XD

....I'm sorry if this wasn't anything relevant, I just saw it and thought it was kind of neat to know that low wake up kicks had more situational usage.!/tid=CUSA01627_00
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