DOA5 KASUMI vs HAYABUSA (tactics annotations)

Hm, I happen to remember working with annotations before... hahahahaha. Good stuff.


Aug 6, 2013 at 11:45 PM
Posted by Brute
Because I do funky junk in matches often, I've gotten quite a few people asking how/what I think during matches and basically what I tell them is that due to holds, set-ups are only reliable if they are guaranteed, otherwise, you should rely more on your intuition and how to be constantly adapting to the opponent. Thus, the highest-damage choice may not be the best, because really it boils down to mind games which even carry over between rounds and matches.

So anyway, I finished adding annotations to a random match I uploaded that explain basically what I'm thinking in the match and why I'm doing what I'm doing. I'm not the best at yomi, but sometimes what I do works, and hopefully that can help some other players (specifically Ryu players) and those better than me can break apart what I did wrong and where.
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