Ive been trying but they don't seem to work all the time when I input the command. I defintely won't quit though.
Well you should try going for those when you get the chance.
so-so. I'm amaetur at countering by itself so expert holds are hard to nail. I can do it easily in training mode but ive only landed it a few low Iziunas and maybe a good mid or two a day.
Let me ask how good are you with Izuna holds?
Thanks for teh feedback. Thuogh I don't realyl use teh 6K that much, but I felt like finishing him off fast since he wuoldn't expect it.
I don't play him, but you should time those better and not rush yourself.


Sep 9, 2013 at 12:31 AM
Posted by GodlyHades
I know I know I failed alot of Izunas. See the problem is I have gotten so fast with the Izunas now im doing the circle three times(trying to make 3 circles haha) to finish it because my hands got used to the command. I know it sounds weird but I type at a incredibly fast rate and when I kept doing it over and over I just do it faster each time.

Well this is me and some Pro Mila player, he did very well but you know ...he fought me XD.
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