DoA5U (360) Christy vs Hayabusa

Christie only needs those two strings online. The way the netcode is that shit traps you.
You guys are talking about the Busa player...... DO YOU NOT SEE THAT CHRISTIE?!?! ppppp pppp2p. Maybe I'm wrong :/
For some reason I have joined several lobbies only to find some super scrubby-busa on a massive winstreak. I think there's a lot of new players with core fighters and they have no idea how to fight him and they freeze up and get intimidated by his teleports or w/e.
It's weird to say the least. Anyway, I always bump 'em out of rotation effortlessly.
@UpsideDowngrunt. He was primarily using Kasumi, Ayane, Helena, & Lei Lei in his other matches.
Wait... if he couldn't play Busa how did he keep winning? lol, I know Busa almost inside out and I rarely ever win :(

Also, I wouldn't gage a Hayabusa player on Izunas I can do Izunas all the time offline but online is a different story I barely ever get them off so far I have only pulled off 4/5 Izunas online 1 being the Rekko-Izuna. But I will admit this guy was pretty bad.
Actually in hindsight I shoulda tried her 7k during one of his 'ports. In DoA4 it use to surprise the hell outta all 'busa players, but don't know if it'd work in this with all the changes from DoA5.
Oh, it's the good ol' turtle-teleport spam Ryu players.
Yeah, smash his noobie ass into the floor.


Sep 13, 2013 at 12:00 PM
Posted by Randzz
Before you judge, for some background there were 4 players in the lobby, every time this particular one won he hit all of our characters after they were K.O.d & he won most of the matches only being beaten twice, this one by me (both 9 win streaks, being broken on the 10th each time & each time he left the room, after the second he didn't come back). I think I'm owed some payback.

In fairness I don't think he knew 'busa that well, he didn't use one Izuna.
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