DOA5(PS3®) LISA (akhi216) vs SARAH, Strictly Shenanigans 4

I gotcha @Something-Unique. Please post some Sarah videos and good game.
Well i'm actually quite aggro with Sarah. The problem with the above is that I have no idea how to approach Lisa with Sarah atm. Because her 6P crushes and Lisa's tend to press buttons applying P frame traps always tend to get blown up. This is actually the only time I have played him with Sarah though and it just shows how uncomfortable I am in it with her atm. Soon the patch will be all yours.
You were good. You did what I should more. I just go in all the time. Never blocking. I lose a lot. Combos were good. I love doing that one with the double punch. I wish I could post videos, but I'm on Xbox. No patch yet. LOL, this guys probably going to get mad we're clogging up his comments with Sarah. Sorry!
I don't put videos of her up because i'm still learning her. Unlike Mila who is long learned. To the video uploader you can put my name in the title as i'm not one of those people who will get all apeshit about it. Good match.
That's actually my Sarah in training getting twirked. If yall wanna see some Sarah videos I can put some up.
she can only do it twice. both from critical and after certain hits from a knee or from certain combos.
Sarah has some of the coolest and longest juggles in the game :S Maybe I should try picking her up some day...
Jeez, how many time can Sarah re launch with that kick?


Feb 6, 2013 at 11:51 PM
Posted by akhi216
Just taking it easy.
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