Body of Super Ninja found in temple

The best part of the video is the description lmao I was laughing so hard man. Only Fork man. Only fork.
"FYI that is a grenade round bandoleer. Also is this an A+ being happy about stomping an E?"

uh oh we have a brainiac here folks. get out your dictionaries and do your research or this guy may get upset and correct you on stuff
That description is just too awesome! :D
FYI that is a grenade round bandoleer. Also is this an A+ being happy about stomping an E?
Best description ever for a DoA video! XD
Best thing eva lol Do more please! !!! XD
Your forgetting the part were a Falcon flew into the autopsy room and the previously considered deceased ninja got up asked which direction Italy before walking bare ass naked into the sun set.


Nov 17, 2013 at 11:10 PM
Posted by DontForkWitMe
white male, blue eyes, silver hair, about 40 years of age, height about 6'5 with a muscular and bulky physique built for destruction, last seen wearing a red bandanna, green army pants, shirtless, and a giant bandolier wrapped across his chest . This man is extremely dangerous, angry, and unstable.

asian male, green eyes, brown hair, in his mid twenties, police on the scene have confirmed that the victim has some sort of irremovable mask that seems to be stuck on the victims face making it hard for them to identify the victim through facial recognition so authorities used finger print identification to ID the victim as Ryu Hayabusa of the Hayabusa Ninja Village

Witnesses claim they heard loud commotions coming from the local temple of the dragon. where the two men confronted each other in what appears to be a brutal battle which left the temple in complete destruction with furniture, and entire floors inside the temple destroyed in the chaos. one witness reported of seeing an extremely large and bulky older man who appeared to have white/silver hair leaving the premises muttering the words "are you watching lauren" before vanishing.

Autopsy reports state that the body of Ryu Hayabusa was completely broken and battered with shattered rib cage, broken collar bone, busted nose, cracked spine, broken jaw, and heavy damage to the victims skull.even some of the victims teeth were found scattered across the floor which police collected for evidence.

Funeral arrangements have been made for the former super ninja next week where he will be laid to rest beside the grave of the dicknosed demon tengu

Ryu Hayabusa
June 15, 1988 - November 17, 2013

rest in peace my nigga :(
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