What could I have started with ? The 33P?
Yup ur at advantage after a ft and based on positioning you could have gotten a wall combo if u used the right move. However if they block or sidestep u gotta be careful lol. Its based on ur opponents tendencies
LOL. I thought her 9K was also a wake up kick she could use, or so I remember it being used often but then again I haven't fought Helena in a while. Alright thanks for the tip I honestly didn't know that I was sort of afraid of her lows going to hit my first. Didn't know I had the advantage lol.
Also he didn't hit you with a wake up kick. You side stepped and he hit you with 9k after ur ss was complete. If you think he's going to attack after you force tech just hit him since ur at advantage after force techs
But he didn't kill u with a wake up kick lol. U hit him with a force tech. You should never side step after you force tech someone
Ikr -.-! Everything that I missed pissed me off, I was like NO NO NO. When I forced him up I was hoping to do 34T the handstead throw, so I wanted to sidestep his incoming attack then do the handstand throw. Sadly it didn't go as planned cause I forgot about her wake up kicks lol.
Ah damn you missed your mid punch Izuna combo. Also why did you side step when you forced him up? You have advantage. Shoulda popped him. Good fights
Godly is really good to see you back ! Sad that you couldnt win that was fucking close but welcome back man ! Its really good to see another ryu player here ^-^
I forgot how annoying that blonded demon was, and Triple uses Hitomi also .... I used Ein and that didn't go well lol. Amma get on soon, is DB hosting a tournament today? BRUTE VS HADES LEH GO!
Never run into him. Odd.
Everyone uses Helena these days. Helena and Hitomi. Everywhere.
Triple God, he's that S player who uses like every dam character XD


Dec 22, 2013 at 3:31 PM
Posted by GodlyHades
One of my first fights in two months ^_^ feels good to fight again.
Though I'm still rusty in the beginning, you see me change my flow towards the end~

Should be good back to normal soon though.
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